
I think there is quite a bit of paperwork, and fees involved, but yes u can obtain supressors. I see no need to get one unless you're some sort of covert agent.
He wants to have one and that is enough reason. Check the internet or call the BATFE. There are supposed to be forms in a packet they can send you to register the suppressor.Only a few companies make suppressors. Unless you have the engineering skills a do it yourself job to make one is not recommended. Those have to be registered with the BATFE,also. If you want Ruger rimfire pistol or Ruger 10/22 with one already fitted pick up a copy of Shotgun News or Gunlists to check the adds for the companies that do this. These are also need to have BATFE registration. The above advice from other posters is correct in stating that it is very expensive to own one. The goverment will put a register tax of several hundred dollars on this item. Then there is the price for one to put on the firearm of your choice.Threading the barrel or geting a clamp on version from a reputable source will set you back thousands of dollars. Machining needs to take place before the firearm will take the " silencer". All silencers need heavy duty maintenance. Cleaning and lubing with the right materials to keep the can quiet and up and running. Baffles need cleaned frequently. These items all have a limit use as to the number of rounds one can fire through it before wearing it out completely. Read up on legitimate sites including military ones to get info on how they operate. Libraries may have books on this subject. Now for the sticky part. If one has a criminal record or is a felon or uses a silencer for illegal activity,that person is going away for a long time. The BATFE can pop in at anytime and check up on your registration and legality of said suppressor. If I missed something here or more detailed info is needed I'm sure the other posters here will add much useful info. Stay legal,stay safe.
What you need to do:

-Live in a state where they are legal to own LINK
-Find a Class III Dealer, pay his transfer fee, fill out paperwork, get fingerprinted
-Pay for the suppressor, have it sent to your dealer
-Get your Chief Law Enforcement Officer (Sheriff, Police Chief) to sign off on allowing you to buy one (or form a corporation and have it buy the suppressor.)
-Pay the $200 one-time tax, send in paperwork and prints
-Wait 2-6 months for approval by BATFE
-Pick it up from your dealer

This is a rough guideline, not a how-to manual. I think I have it pretty close, however. Find a Class III Dealer and he will guide you through it.
Pocketgun pretty much covered it. Let me add though that suppressors are not maintenance intensive. Also, you don't have to worry about ATF dropping in at any time to check on your suppressor.
One more thing that some people are confused about is equating a silencer with the Machine Gun ban where you cannot own a select-fire weapon that was manufactured AFTER the 1986 ban.

I've talked to one person who argued that silencers fall into the same category of being prohibited if made after 1986. But new manufacture of silencers is fine and results in their being relatively inexpensive compared to the skyrocketed prices of select fire guns.

OK guys. Some of my data and posting here is out of whack to put it mildly. Where do I find sources on the newer models and upkeep? The original poster could probably use the info as well. Yes,different models need different upkeep.Would like to add info to library.
There's a guy I see at a lot of the local shows here in Oregon,and to just give you a ballpark idea,he sells a Ruger 10/22 with an integral suppressor,(meaning it doesn't attach to the end of the barrel,it is part of the barrel),it looks like a bull barrel target model.His price last time I actually stopped and talked to him,was $800.Add the $200 tax stamp,and a 4-6 month wait for the ATF okay,and you're good to go.He was also selling a Ruger 22/45 pistol with the same sort of integral suppressor,for the same price.Take a look at AuctionArms or Gunbroker,maybe even GunsAmerica,browse under Class 3 or NFA catagories...Generally,if you can find a Class 3 dealer close to you that has one you like,buy from him,you'll save on his transfer fee,which,is probably going to be $50 or more.Keep in mind that the 4-6 month wait is usually AFTER you have paid for it in full.Some,if not all,Class 3 dealers will charge you a fee if you are not approved also.First of all,find a Class 3 dealer and go spend a half hour asking questions,go from there...Good Luck...
As far as WHY you would want one? If you big game hunt, you know how annoying squirrels can be when you're sitting in your deer stand. A silenced 22 would be the most fantastical thing in the world for dispatching those little pains in the butt, without scaring the buck on the other side of the ridge.
Repost this on the NFA forum

There are game laws in many states that specifically regulate against the use of NFA weapons during hunting.
Another reason for one would be to shoot indoors in your basement without everyone in the house needing hearing protection.
OK guys. Some of my data and posting here is out of whack to put it mildly. Where do I find sources on the newer models and upkeep? The original poster could probably use the info as well. Yes,different models need different upkeep.Would like to add info to library.

Here are several links that will get you started.
kirkcdl -- Maybe the mfg you are referring to at the gun show in Oregon is Mark from TROS:

You might also read Silencer History and Performance Volume One and Two Alan C. Paulson.

Here is one of my favorite suppressed guns from another Oregon mfg, Tom Denall -- the 44 Mag Silent Destroyer:
Only a few companies make suppressors
Not true. There are lots of different suppressor manufacturers, dozens and dozens!
The above advice from other posters is correct in stating that it is very expensive to own one. The goverment will put a register tax of several hundred dollars on this item.
Only semi-true. If the $200 tax is 'very expensive' to you then you would be correct. Otherwise, that is the only cost above and beyond that of the can itself.
Then there is the price for one to put on the firearm of your choice.Threading the barrel or geting a clamp on version from a reputable source will set you back thousands of dollars. Machining needs to take place before the firearm will take the " silencer".
Not true. I have had several of my AR barrels cut down, re-crowned and threaded to match the thread pitch of a couple different cans. It costs me $65 every time I need a 'thread job' done.
All silencers need heavy duty maintenance. Cleaning and lubing with the right materials to keep the can quiet and up and running. Baffles need cleaned frequently. These items all have a limit use as to the number of rounds one can fire through it before wearing it out completely
Not true. Aluminum or Stainless cans need only be soaked in solvent (WD40 or mineral spirits & ATF) for a day or so, and they come out squeaky clean. The recommended artificial environments in most cans is water or light oil. Gemtech recommends I clean my .22 can after 1,000 rounds and that it will last indefinitely if maintained as listed above.
Now for the sticky part. If one has a criminal record or is a felon or uses a silencer for illegal activity,that person is going away for a long time. The BATFE can pop in at anytime and check up on your registration and legality of said suppressor.
True and not true. If you are a convicted felon you WILL be denied on your form4 application. Simple criminal records do not automatically mean denial of your Form4, I have seen some issued to people with minor misdemeanor offenses (read: Public Intox, patronizing a public nuisance, etc) the only way to find out for sure is to submit your ap and see what happens. Only once has a crime been committed with a registered Class 3 weapon and that was a LONG time ago, and by a LEO! {If someone commits crime #2, I will personally hunt him/her down and beat them with a wet noodle!} BATFE cannot conduct warrantless searches of your person, vehicle or home simply because you have a registered suppressor. They can, however, ask you to produce your Form4 if they SEE you with the can, but then so can any other LEO.
The best source of maintenance info on silencers is directly from the manufacturers. You can email them and request a copy of their owners manual, or ask a dealer. I recommend you check out to get an idea of how many different manufacturers there are and to see some test results.
I've got a Gem-Tech for my full-auto AR15.

Wasn't really enamored of having a suppressor, at least not for that gun, but the barrel/flash suppressor was already modified and it was a package deal. Makes an AR sound like a .22 short, in my opinion.

Cost me just a few hundred dollars, if I recall, plus the $200 tax. The real money was sunk in the AR.

I test fired the combo several rounds before I got. Haven't used the suppressor since.

I'm pretty sure the possession of a silencer would be quite verboten while hunting anywhere in the U.S., but I could be wrong. It's illegal here. Arizona is pretty Title II friendly, but it ain't that friendly.;)
You can hunt with a suppressed SBR in WI. :) Anyhow, why wouldn't you want to shoot suppressed? Less noise is usually always a good thing.

As far as getting one, check local laws, read up on the real info already given, ignore the "several hundred dollars tax" misinformation and etc.