Civilian Marksmanship Program Questions...


First time user of "The Firing Line" but I have some questions concerning purchasing an M1 Granad from CMP.

I have sent my paperwork in and it was received on 10-31-11. I received an email from them today stating that they are currently just now processing mail received on 10-3-11 and it would be 30-60 days before my rifle would be delivered. I am just curious is this normal for the CMP? I'm sure they get a lot of orders and questions, however I am just anxious and want to get my hands on the rifle. How many of the M1s do they have available?


They are notoriously slow, but the product is great and their customer service is top notch. Expect the full 60 days and be pleasantly surprised when it arrives in 57.
On October 3rd the CMP released a bunch of bolt actions. They received 2500 orders on the 3rd. Who knows how many they received since then. I would say they are a little backed up right now.
It seems like a great program, and I am really looking forward to receiving the M1. It looks like this the norm for CMP. Thanks for the information.
If you have A C&R license IS THAT the only requirement to buy a rifle from the CMP? Or do you still have to belong to a state organization, and compete in a match?
If you have A C&R license IS THAT the only requirement to buy a rifle from the CMP? Or do you still have to belong to a state organization, and compete in a match?

I would like to know this as well. I just got my C&R license and I'm ready to buy! :D
No shooting matches required to buy

You are not required to compete in matches in order to purchase a rifle from CMP. A C&R license is not required, either. All that is required is that you belong to an organization that is recognized by CMP (for me, that was VFW. never been in a shooting club).

I purchased a 1903A3 on Oct 3 at the Anniston store. Talk about bedlam: over 100 folks lined up at the door when they opened. They do stay very busy and they are not a huge organization, but their service is very consistent. I've purchased three firearms so far and have been very pleased.
I received an email from them today stating that they are currently just now processing mail received on 10-3-11 and it would be 30-60 days before my rifle would be delivered. I am just curious is this normal for the CMP? I'm sure they get a lot of orders and questions, however I am just anxious and want to get my hands on the rifle. How many of the M1s do they have available?

You got the DNB (do not bug) e-mail. A polite way of saying they are processing your order so not to worry, and no need for follow up e-mails and calls (which slows down the process).

All firearm orders say "30-60" days for processing. Sometimes that's true, some times its not. On M1 orders it's based on what other orders they have at the time. Every now and then they release a highly sought after item, like the M1C/D equipment about a year ago, they got swamped and behind on every thing.

Later the same thing happened when they released the 16 inch bayonets. And now, they are just getting the mess cleaned up from offering 1903s. They got more orders then they had rifles. They have to sort the orders by date received. I understand they are pretty much caught up on this.

If you send in your order when there isn't a run on special offerings, you can often get your rifle in two weeks or less.

But fear not, M1s are something they still have lots of. Based on your e-mail from the CMP, you are good to go, just waiting.

To keep track on your order, go to the CMP web site. Go to the "sales" section on click on the "e-store". You register there, you can then keep track on this and any future orders. You'll find an order number listed on your account.

Now go to the CMP Forums, people are constantly keeping track of their orders and posting the status by order number. You can compare your order number with some one who just received their order and get an ideal when your rifle will be shipped.

When you rifle (or other order) is shipped, you will receive another e-mail from the CMP and one from Fed Ex giving you the expected delivery date.

Remember, for rifles and ammo, a signature from an adult is required so make sure some one will be home.

Judging by what's being sold by the CMP right now, I would think you should be receiving your rifle with in a week or two. But again check with others on the CMP forum and see what order number they are processing and shipping.

You'll enjoy your M1, be assured that it will be a quality firearm (they completely go over their guns before they are put up for sale to make sure they are safe and will shoot properly. If for some weird reason, something is wrong, contact them. You'll not find any better customer service anywhere.

Now be warned, when you get your M1, you've fallen into a trap. You're gonna want a bayonet, cartridge belt, sling, and other equipment. Then you'll find another surplus rifle and start all over gathering accessories. Its a disease, and you'll start gathering other surplus military equipment.

Every morning, the first thing you will do is check your CMP E-store account, then check it again several times a day.

I would highly recommend attending a CMP GSM (Garand) Clinic and start shooting Garand and Vintage Military Matches. They are fun matches, and you'll meet several people with similar interest.
Thanks a lot that is a lot of good information and I feel better about my order. By reading the information on their web site, I can tell they are busy and do not have time to answer emails and receive phone calls. Thanks again for all the good information.
All that is required is that you belong to an organization that is recognized by CMP

Well? If this does not apply am I just "SOL" then? I'd like to get one from CMP but only have my C&R in addition to my CCP (which does not help me here obviously)
You can join the Garand Collectors Association, which I hear costs about $25/year...that will be your CMP-recognized organization.
First time user of "The Firing Line" but I have some questions concerning purchasing an M1 Granad from CMP

You could take a road trip to Anniston, Alabama and buy that baby right over the counter or go to Camp Perry (Port Clinton) Ohio.
Purchase requirements are the same in person as in the store.
Just remember, if you're a member of most any veterans group, like VFW, the American Legion, etc., that also covers your club requirement.