Civilian gun ownership laws in Asian, Southeast Asian countries?


New member
I wanted to know what the gun laws are like in Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia ?

For example, on my recent trip to Thailand (My family is from there) I got to go to a shooting range and fire an old Vietnam Era M16A1 on full auto, and also fire a Colt 1911A1....while I was there I asked the range officer if civilians can legally own handguns in Thailand. He then told me that yes, you can legally own a pistol as long as it doesnt fire .357 magnums or .45 ACP's.... 9mm and smaller are ok for civilian ownership... the bigger rounds are reserved for LEO's and Military....

I wanted to ask about licensing procedures but didnt have time as I had to head out to my next tourist attraction :D

Let's be honest...

Up through most of Asia, with the exception of maybe South Korea and Japan and other well developed countries. No one gives a crap if you carry concealed because there are no laws prohibiting or allowing it, and if there are, they don't enforce it often. Add to the fact that you can bribe most cops away. Can someone please explain why someone can buy an AK-47 fully automatic for like $50 in a third world country, and yet in America you have to go through a headache to get one and pay thousands of dollars for it?!

Well I can't give you sources, but if memory serves it goes something like this...

Japan, China, Vietnam, North Korea; Civilian ownership is illegal, any guns, any where. Pistols, shotguns, and rifles are LEO and military only.

South Korea and Taiwan; I'm not real sure about these. I think SK and Taiwan might allow civilian ownership, due to the threat of North Korea/China invading. Like the 'militia' phrasing in our 2nd Amendment.

The Philippines; I know they allow pistols, and they might some rifles and shotguns. Yeah, the handguns I'm sure on, the long guns I'm not.

As for the rest of Asia, I think its similar to the US. Illegal around the big cities, and in Communist/Dictatorships; but are probably legal in rural, isolated areas.
I've lived in South Korea, Japan, and Thailand.

South Korea....Handguns are banned. Shotguns Im not sure. Rifles you can own, any caliber but I believe you need a permit/license.

Japan...Handguns are banned. You can own a rifle but only in certain calibers, and you have to have a permit/license to buy/own/posses and show you have a valid reason for having it. Im not sure about shotguns...I think shotguns are forbidden in Japan but I would be lying if I told you I knew for sure.

Thailand.... My wife is from Thailand but after asking her she said she didnt now either as most people there, according to her, have no interest in firearms. I asked her uncle and this is what he told me... was told yes on the ownership of handguns, but he said most people acquire them illegaly. He couldnt elaborate much more on what he meant by that as his English isnt the greatest. Rifles you can own, any caliber as well as shotguns. He also told me that guns can be difficult to get simply because there isnt a place to go to purchase them like a gun store, in most regions of Thailand.
What I have read in the past is that most Asian countries have very strict gun laws, even though illegal gun ownership is quite high.

Don't know the specific laws in each country so I won't comment. I have read that the Philippine gun laws are liberal, compared to the rest of Asia, so gun ownership is quite high. I do know Japan is quite repressive, where handguns are near impossible to own, and long arms are heavily restricted.
compared to other aisan countries thailand seems to be much more relaxed about gun ownership.

i am living in china right now so i have reseached the subject a bit.

you know thailand better than i would so i won't mention that.

I teach a lot of koreans and it apears you can own some kinds of guns but there is registration. i'm not sure how strict but gun ownership isn't so common.

Japan- You can get a licence for shotguns as skeet and trap are really popular. there are a set amount of licences for handguns so that their international teams can practice but all handguns must be stored with the police. i have heard conflicting info about rifles. some said you can but it's hard some said you used to but not anymore.

China as you know is the land of 1 country 2 policies. In HK and Macao you can own shotguns and pistols definitely, not sure about rifle but probably. the trick is you have to be a member of a club witch is really expensive and you have to leave the firearms at the range or under police supervision. supposedly you can take them home with police approval but that's not likely to be given.

In the mainland there are technically proper procedures to go through to get a firearm permit, even a carry permit but you are about as likely to get a ccw permit issued to you in Hawaii as get one of those (by this i mean unless you have major pull with some very highly placed people you ain't getting one). there are temporary permits you can get if you buy a hunting permit but you gun stays with your guide unless you are hunting and he is right by your side the whole time.
Can someone please explain why someone can buy an AK-47 fully automatic for like $50 in a third world country, and yet in America you have to go through a headache to get one and pay thousands of dollars for it?!

Thats the difference between a First World developed nation and a Third World cesspool.

I was in Cambodia in October and I don't know what the laws are but the countryside is covered with signs asking people to turn in their weapons.

Right near the "Killing Fields" in Phenom Phen there are serveral "Shooting Ranges" (yeah, great location.....:rolleyes:) where you can go it and pay to play with all sorts of firepower.

You walk in, look at the menu (literally) and pick out what you want. They have everything from 45s & Mackarovs to AKs & M16s to M60s & Soviet heavy MGs

I picked a grenade for $15 (they offered to throw in a duck for another $5 but I declined) and you just throw it in a pond and it makes a nice splash. The grenade was pretty crappy and you could tell it was ancient and it probably had been buried for years but they had new fuses so I survived.

But what's really crazy is you can shoot an RPG for $200 and they'll throw in a water-buffalo for you to shoot it at for another $200! :eek:

I've been all over the world and was really impressed by Cambodia. So if anyone gets a chance to go, just do it. Make sure to do Angkor Wat, for it will knock your socks off.
But what's really crazy is you can shoot an RPG for $200 and they'll throw in a water-buffalo for you to shoot it at for another $200!

ROFLMAO! That's the worst thing I've heard in a while! I want to do it!
But what's really crazy is you can shoot an RPG for $200 and they'll throw in a water-buffalo for you to shoot it at for another $200!

wow, I wonder if you get to keep the buffalo meat after you shoot it with the RPG?? You can make some buffalo burgers...

But as for Cambodia, I will go visit there one day....its right next to Thailand anyway...

As for Thai gunshops, a friend of mine took a lot of pics for me of a gun shop in Bangkok.... I'll have to find them and post them up so you see what kinda weapons they have for sale
I think the Phillipines allow 2 handguns a .22LR rifle and a shotgun.
When I was in Manilla 3 years ago I read somewhere that concealed carry laws were under review.
When I was in Manilla 3 years ago I read somewhere that concealed carry laws were under review.

Thats pretty cool.....

I'll be in Thailand again on my family vacation in January 2009.....I'm gonna try to visit the gunshop I know of in bangkok and inquire about their gun ownership laws........

maybe I can get a CCW permit there to add to the collection I already have here in the USA lol....

I also have family members who are currently LEO's, retired LEO's, and military, who knows, maybe they can put in a good word for me hehe
I didn't get any video but I got a pic however my computer isn't letting me upload it, but here some stuff off youtube:

I'm not to sure about eating the water buffalo after hitting it with an RPG, but they have all sorts of animals you can destroy with various means at the right price (like I said, a duck is $5.....).

If your gonna go to Cambodia, just hop AirAsia from Bangkok to Phenom Phen ($140 round trip) than you can take a bus to Seim Reip/Angkor Wat ($10) and than take a boat down the Mekong back ($25).