Civil Disobedience is alive in school


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Tagged students
defy Big Brother
Reject being forced
to wear Social Security numbers


By David M. Bresnahan
© 1999

RUSTON, Louisiana -- Hundreds of students in this little town don't want to wear their Social Security numbers around their necks for all to see. Their school administrators have ignored their complaints even though their numbers are growing.
When the school year began a few weeks ago, the students at Ruston High School, like many students across the nation, were required to wear an ID badge as part of added security precautions. The badges in Ruston include each student's Social Security number, a violation of federal law according to two students.

The badges are worn on a lanyard with the Pepsi logo on it. The badge has a photo of the student, the school name, the student's name, and a barcode which represents the Social Security number. Although administrators claim the number is protected from unauthorized use through encryption in the barcode, the students know that is not true.

To prove how easy it is to read the barcodes, Jonathan Washington, 16, reads any barcode in about 15 seconds. He tells other students their Social Security number and then asks them to sign his petition to have the cards changed.

His methods are convincing. Over 350 students have signed in just the first few days. Rachel Winchel, 16, another Ruston student, is helping to spread the protest and circulate the petition.

"We just aren't taught code 39 barcode encryption in school. It's just another system that is easily learned. It's not that hard," explained Washington to WorldNetDaily. He has created an Internet web page to teach others how to read the cards.

Washington and Winchel are also concerned that a student from the school did the work to enter all the Social Security numbers into the computer that was used to make the cards. They said little or no security was used to protect the numbers from unauthorized use.

"Parents should have some concern because their children's Social Security numbers are linked directly to theirs in all financial records. If you have a child's you can get the parents'. It's a financial jeopardy to just about everyone in school," complained Washington.

He said his concern is a philosophical one, not religious. Winchel is of a different opinion.

"I have religious and moral convictions behind what they're doing as it being wrong. It's totally appalling," she said in a phone interview.

"I'm a person that's made by God and I'm not a number. I'm more special than that. I do believe that it's religiously wrong. I don't want to be branded and labeled as livestock. We're more special than that," said Winchel.

Washington is opposed to ID cards in general and does not want his Social Security number displayed for all to see, nor does he want it to be in school computers. His parents are seeking legal counsel and have not ruled out a lawsuit.

The parents of both Washington and Winchel expressed complete support for what their children are doing.

Dr. Charles Scriber is principal of the school. Although he met with Washington and his parents, he has ignored a written complaint from Winchel and her mother. He has not granted a written request for an appointment to discuss her concerns.

In an interview with WorldNetDaily he defended the practice and claims the cards are legal. He said he has no plans to change the cards.

Since the faculty and administration also wear the cards, students are busy taking down their Social Security numbers with plans to publish the results on the Internet if the cards are not discontinued.

"Actually, it's not difficult to look at it and know what it means," explained Winchel. "There's narrow bars and there's wide bars. Each number zero through nine has a code. By memorizing the code for the number zero through nine, you can just glance at someone's card and the numbers just pop out.

"Many kids at school can do it, and it doesn't take very long to even learn. That's why it concerned me because it's very easy to learn," she explained.

Winchel and Washington have cut the barcode from their cards. Amanda Winchel, Rachel's younger sister, changed her card. She painted over the barcode then created a new one which represents the number 911.

Winchel and Washington have now stopped wearing their cards, but they have not been disciplined for doing so. Their actions could lead to expulsion from school, but that is a risk they are willing to take to stand up for what they believe is right.

The Ruston High School Student Handbook detail the rules regarding the cards and spells out the possible penalties for infractions.

Washington's complaints to Dr. Scriber produced a sudden change in policy in the past few days. The librarian was told to remove Washington's Social Security number from the library computer which reads the barcodes. A new card has not been issued, and the cafeteria computer has not been changed.

"He thought that would get me to leave him alone about it," said Washington, who has vowed to continue his fight. He will not be satisfied until the cards are completely changed for all students. If the change is not made he expects to take the school to court for civil damages.

The school has always had an ID card, but past cards were much different. They did not contain a Social Security number, nor were they worn. Students were only required to present the card when requested to do so.

The new policy was instituted in response to the numerous shootings at schools around the country. Many schools now require ID cards to be worn as a security measure.

Winchel and Washington both claim the ID badge will not stop a potential killer.

"If anything, they are just good identification for when you get shot at school so your parents can come and see your ID badge when your body is mutilated. I don't see how this would effect security in any way at all," exclaimed Winchel.

"It would not prevent a school shooting at all. The ID badge does not change the mindset of the killers," she added.

She also pointed out that the shootings at many schools have been by students who would be wearing a badge if their school had the same policy.

Winchel would object to the card even if the barcode and Social Security number are no longer displayed. She does not want her Social Security number to even be in the school computer system.

"I'm not wearing mine because I'm tired of all of this nonsense," she said. "I shouldn't have to wear it. I'm a student. I shouldn't be treated as if I'm a felon. I have done nothing wrong. I am not going to wear my ID badge any longer at school. It's not necessary or relevant to get an education."

Although teachers are required to report a student without a badge, Washington and Winchel have not had any action taken against them for their defiance. Winchel says at least 350 of the approximately 1,200 students have signed their petition. She believes more would sign if it were not for the intimidating announcements made over the school loud speakers each morning.

Students are warned not to deface the cards or to be in school without them. Disciplinary action on a school record could prevent college acceptance in later years, so Winchel says many students are hesitant to be supportive.

"Honestly, they are very scared to do anything, and I don't blame them. When you have the school telling you that you're going to get detention or suspension for not wearing your ID badge. While they support this they don't want to be suspended either," she explained.

Both Winchel and Washington plan to meet with the school board if the principal fails to resolve the situation.

The petition signed by the students states: "The students of Ruston High who have signed below realize that the barcode on each student's ID badge is that student's Social Security number. They also realize that their Social Security number may not be used in this manner and request that they be assigned a generic number as a barcode."


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
I liked the Changing the bar code to read 911 - if they could only change it to read "BITE ME!"

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
These students are not requesting that the cards be discontinued, just that they don't have the SS# on them. That is not an outlandish request at all. This principal and the school board must have their heads up their a$$es. They don't care about the negative opinion against them, parents wishes or the simple solution the students suggest.

This civil disobedience is teaching these kids a good lesson. I hope the outcome is positive. This proves that a negative experience can sometimes have a positive outcome.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
The school system is a microcosm of our society. People are being asked/required to forfeit their rights for "security". It's no different than the gun control issue and the reasons are the same. The government has abducated its responsibility to enforce laws and made up for it by reducing our rights.
The school system's respnsibility is to educate, not to regulate. Schools do not teach ethics or the concepts of right and wrong or even the golden rule. As a result discipline and order has disappeared. For example, years ago a teacher would explain that hot pants and a belly shirt were not appropriate for John or Jane at school. Well the school got so tired enforcing acceptable dress codes that they threw in the towel and went to uniforms. So that now ALL, even the ones who did dress appropriately ,have to give up and become one.

For the Children.

Better days to be,

To successfully reduce everyone to the Lowest Common Denominator it must begin at an early age.

Just another case of the oligarchy v. the masses.

Well, stick it to 'em. RKBA!
The Privacy Act of 1974 is pretty explicit about what constitutes proper use of the SSN. School id's isn't one of them.

Case in point: many states use the SSN for the driver's license. However, for those who object to using their SSN, the states are required to provide an alternate ID number. If the state can't do, why should some pissant school principal be able to? I suggest you get a copy of the 1974 Privacy Act (sorry, I can't give you a link, but you might try a search of the archives, I learned about it here) for the principal, and if he still can't figure it out, sue the b@stards. Good luck, M2
Ed Brunner, you said:

The school system is a microcosm of our society... The school system's respnsibility is to educate, not to regulate.

Please consider this: IMHO, the school system's responsibility (these days) is to teach children to bow UNQUESTIONINGLY before ALL AUTHORITY. ALL rules, no matter HOW stupid, are RIGIDLY enforced, to better prepare a child to be a "good citizen". (Remember the horror stories of kids who brought ASPIRIN from home, and were EXPELLED AND ARRESTED for carrying "drugs" to school?)

No, I think "edukayshun" is the LEAST of a school's reason for being, in our society today.
Students have ID numbers at the school where I teach an we don't use SSN's. Its a grade 3-8 school so the first two digits are the year of graduation. (i.e. the class of 99 starts with 99XXXX) The other numbers are just based on the alpabetical standing when they enrolled. How hard could it be for this high school to do that?
Dennis; I think we probably disagree. I think the parents are the ones to teach their children about abstract things like religion, politics, authority etc. By the time he gets to school a child should understand to do as he is told unless it is against his family guidelines and then he should check with his parents.
The school's function is to teach reading, writing,arithmetic etc.
I also think that schools can point out examples of values etc from history etc. but it is risky given the present trends in academia.

Better days to be,

If some of those kids could do it without getting expelled, I'd love to see them get a buddy of theirs from another school and fake an ID tag for him. Have him go around school for a while and then bring it to the school's attention that ANYONE with a fake ID could wander around school, so what's the point?

If those Columbine killers could plan the attack for a year, how hard would it be for them to make fake IDs?

The whole idea is idiotic (and as mentioned above, symptomatic).

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Here the Rushton's newspaper address. I just dropped the editor a note about my "brilliant" idea mentioned above as well a suggestion that they get a new principal.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
As much as I wish it were so, the world just doesn't work that way today. Between parents having to work half the year just to support this fat-assed gov't, deadbeat dads, single mothers/fathers, etc. Schools and the Damn TV do more child rearing than actual parents do. Parents SHOULD do all the things you specified, but by and large, it just doesn't happen that way.

So, are sending kids to school wearing "dogtags", or are they being tagged & shuffled around like livestock? Either way, it doesn't sound like they're being taught anything but how to be good little citizens. Very Sad! Thank God some of these kids learned how to think for themselves. I'll bet my favorite shotgun that they didn't learn THAT at school!

"TFL Cluebat, please report to the Principals Office immediately!"

Hats off to Jonathan Washington, Rachel Winchel and crew! There is hope!
Re: Columbine. If the kid has a shotgun pointed at me I don't know that I would think to check his ID card! ;)

Perhaps the school is just worried about someone sneaking in and learning something. ... Nah. That can't be it. :)

On a more serious note:
- Many kids now are doing things in school that we never would have thought of - let alone tried.
- Many kids have no concept of family guidelines. In many homes, parenting has been replaced by a second (or third) job, TV time, and/or "self-actualization" activities. America is raising an entire crop of feral children and we will pay for it.
- Many schools (and classes) are bigger than in the past. Not only the students, but even many teachers are virtually anonymous.
- Some teachers dress and act so much like high school students that you can't tell the shepherd from the flock.
- In too many cases, teaching and learning have been replaced with administrating - an illness with no easy cure or limits to its distractions.

I tip my hat to those teachers who still teach (rather than administrate). The kids can tell the difference - just ask which teachers they like and why. Between the loathsome teachers' union and loathsome administrative functions it is a miracle that there are any true teachers willing to put up with it all.
I attended a national semenar that was suppossed to be about breeding endangered animals. The one speaker spent over 75% of his two hours time to talk about coding for identification. He showed the benefits of using a quick and relatively painless method of inserting a grain of rice sized silicon chip underneath the skin of animals for record keeping, ID purposes. He spent the bulk of his lecture trying to convince everyone of the "benefits" of using this same technique on people. He was gung ho about using it to locate and identify missing children.

He explained in great detail the plans that were already to impliment as soon as the public would accept it. He said that the way to do it is to inject it, (he showed it to us. looked like a Star Trek/Dr.McCoy suringe), just under the skin on the back of the hand or in the forehead. Why there? A: Because the chip can be more easily read, by the scanner, through the thin skin in those areas.

The next speaker started by teaching about the "need for population control". He advocated the public sanctioning of killing unborn and postnatal children, those with birth defects, and the elderly. He made no bones about his blatantly anti-Christian views and was proud about it.

The bar tag necklaces is simply a step toward this future event that the Bible prophesies: One world monetary system, one world government, and a uniting of religions. This is no surprise to a Christian that knows Bible prophecy...and I'm not talking about what you see on the religious chanel on TV. The detailed answers are already available neighbor. You just have to ask.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
ID numbers have been used before, anyone know where? I'll give you a hint, if your part Jewish like me, some of your family may wear them still, tatoo of them right on the arm. Corruption always starts small, seems insignificant to some, but like a fire it always gets bigger and spreads.

Somebody needs to make sure those kids go to college, we need to support and praise kids who stand-up and fight for what's right. Isn't that exactly what this country was founded on?

I know some adults that could benefit from a heart like these kids.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."