City vs State today at Atlanta Airport


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Gungrabbers at the airport are threatening to violate state law by arresting a guy for carrying his gun while picking up his family. Oh, and the guy is the guy who wrote that state law, which goes into effect today. High drama. Angry gungrabbers. It's a great show.
Quotable quote:
"I was in law enforcement for 15 years," Bearden said as the bill awaited the governor's signature two months ago. "I never rode up on a shooting in progress. I don't like the idea of the police telling you, 'Get mugged, get raped, get murdered. We'll come by, take the report, or send flowers.' That's the wrong message."
Anyway, it's an interesting potential confrontation. On the one hand, Bearden would be carrying concealed, so the Airport General Manager DeCosta could have a hard time justifying Bearden's arrest.

The standard for probable cause is, generally, having enough particularized facts to lead a common sense person of reasonable caution to believe there is a fair probability of criminal activity. While Bearden's public statement could arguably provide probable cause for a warrantless public arrest - being enough particularized facts - I don't see what the criminal activity is. Bearden would be carrying concealed (legal) in an area where the new law says it's legal to carry (again, legal).
DeCosta's probably a transplanted New Yorker. He's actually been quoted as saying he doesn't care what the state law is, airports are no place for handguns. He's also promised to have Bearden arrested. Got to be a crime to maliciously arrest somebody, when you know there's no criminal activity going on. If Bearden is arrested for carrying concealed at the airport, then I hope he sues not only Bearden, but the arresting officer(s), too.
I'm not familiar with the authority granted to airport general managers, but I wonder if DeCosta even has the authority to have someone arrested.
He's going to pick his family up. Going into the Airport, pre security check with a firearm is not against the Law. DeCosta is a moron, and well be sued by GCO if he attempts to arrest Bearden.

Franklin/DeCosta have a liberal, gun grabbing agenda and I can't wait to see them fall.

Georgia Carry, a firearms rights group, has sued the city, the mayor, and the idiot airport guy, and Bearden did NOT carry his gun to the airport, saying he would be happy having the issue resolved by the lawsuit.

This topic started a huge firestorm at THR.:eek:
Lawsuit filed against Atlanta Airport

A state lawmaker has filed a lawsuit against Atlanta's airport to allow CCW up to the security terminals. Obviously I am in favor of such an action. Read the quotes from the Atlanta mayor - hilarious, scary and stupid all rolled into one ball of ignorance.

MSNBC has a poll asking if you think this should be legal. You can cas your voe here if you so choose to do so:

47% YES
53% NO

I'd like to see that YES become a rather convincing victory personally.
So how do they have standing to file a suit if nobody has been falsely arrested yet?

Why would you assume that it's a false-arrest law suit? Obviously, it's not.

I think the question is how someone has standing to file any suit if no action has been taken. If the airport fellow made his statements but never followed through, I'm not sure he has done anything actionable.

If just saying something stupid were a crime, the NYT would be published from jail.
I read somewhere else that carrying guns into the airport was a common thing either in Utah or Denver, I can't remember which.

This is an old battle between Atlanta and the pro-gunners of the state. Atlanta continues to lose it's gun control battles in the legislature and the courts. They just lost a court battle to keep guns out of a very large local park and they're still smarting from that one. It didn't even have to go to the appellate court, a local judge told them that they were violating the law and did away with their ordinance on the spot.

This situation is the same except the current lawsuit was filed in federal court since it is the airport that is in the question. They'll lose this one too; and at the very least the city and DeCosta will be enjoined from interfering with people exercising their right to keep and bear arms.

I know Tim Bearden who is a local legislator and was at the center of the controversy. He's a good guy who's at the forefront of gun issues in the legislature and he's doing this IMO because he's been pushing for open carry like in Virginia. He's gotten most of what he wants legislatively but the anti-gunners at city hall hate him. I'm a member of) is responsible for suing local municipalities and getting their gun control laws overturned.
I think the question is how someone has standing to file any suit if no action has been taken. If the airport fellow made his statements but never followed through, I'm not sure he has done anything actionable.

Exactly. Thanks for answering that cuz you said it better than I would've.
Permitting guns inside an airport, even weapons carried by permit holders, would create an unsafe environment that "would endanger millions of people," the mayor said.

What I find silly is the emphasis on how many people would be 'affected' by one person legally carrying a concealed firearm - those millions of travelers who pass through the airport. Zero people are affected and no one should know. Where's the problem again?

And how is the argument of 'the potential to spawn more violence than it prevents.' relevant. Why does the mere existence of an object 'spawn' negative reaction?
Just remember, the Atlanta electorate are pretty much the same kind of folks who re-elected Marion Barry to serve as Mayor of D.C., after he was released from prison for crack use and consorting with a crack ho. Don't expect to make sanity out of insanity or intelligence out of stupidity or knowledge out of ignorance. DemocRATs...gotta love 'em! :)