City of Chicago suing Glock

44 AMP

The lawsuit, filed with the Cook County Circuit Court, alleges that Glock is selling semi-automatic pistols which are easily converted into machine guns using a cheap device known as a “Glock switch”.

I'm pretty sure I understand the real motivation behind this, but I wonder what can they claim as a legal basis to do this???

As far as I know, absent prior Federal approval, making a machinegun is a Federal Crime. Carrying one on Chicago streets is another set of crimes on top of that. I'd be surprised if the majority of the people found with those illegal guns aren't also "felon in possession" and that is yet another crime.

I hear an Austrian accented voice from beyond saying "Your criminals are not our problem!!"

How is suing any manufacturer for the criminal modification and misuse of their product the right thing to do??

44 AMP said:
How is suing any manufacturer for the criminal modification and misuse of their product the right thing to do??

It isn't right.

Nobody there cares about "right".

I grew up there and from my experience those in power only care about their power - how to hold on to it, how to enhance it, and how to take power away from everybody else.

They hold the idea of "right" in contempt and believe that anyone "trying to do the right thing" is a fool, a damned fool, or a liar.

They sue Glock, it costs Glock to defend themselves, maybe they tack on a "litigation fee" to guns sold in Illinois to help defray the costs. Or maybe they withdraw from that market.

In a "real" world there is no way Glock can be held responsible for selling something that is legal everywhere but can be illegally modified or misused, but this is not the real world, it is Cook County Illinois. There are reasons people there refer to it as Crook County.

Please forgive me for being so cynical but I'm sick of hearing "that's not fair!" - of course it isn't fair! It is a game and the one who causes their opponent the most pain / cost / loss is the winner.

And if Cook County loses round one, they'll appeal and try to keep Glock bleeding lawyers fees until they settle and agree to redesign their pistols (in some unworkable manner) and pay the county a ransom.

It isn't right.
Nobody there cares about "right".


Similar to the KIA/Hyundai lawsuit where they sued the manufacturers because the cars were too easy to steal.

And it's not just Cook state's attorney general, Keith Ellison, (Minnesota) was on board for suing KIA/Hyundai and has supported Mexico in its suit against American gun manufacturers. six companies,gun violence in that country.
Glock pistols are approved as duty weapons for the Chicago PolIce Department. Should make for an awkward conversation between Glock, the police officers and the city. ;)
Cook County / Chicago politicians are too lazy and too stupid to do what's right, fight crime, arrest criminals, and keep them in jail. No, it's easier to sue a company making a legal product just so they can say that they are doing something.
There is an article entitled NSSF Calls on Congress to Investigate 'Conspiracy' Behind Chicago's Lawsuit Against Glock at that explains some details about who is involved in this.

First, be aware that the website is not entirely objective - it is biased, in fact. Their bias is in favor of things I respect, like the Bill of Rights, but one cannot pretend it is coldly objective.

Second, I apologize if posting this link violates a forum rule or is deemed inflammatory. I did not see a rule specifically prohibiting such a link but might have missed something. If it is "bad" please delete it.
First, be aware that the website is not entirely objective - it is biased, in fact.

Thanks for the disclaimer. It's refreshing to see someone acknowledge the bias of a website. I'm still waiting for a left-leaning group to do this.

P.S. My spouse claims I'm at risk for serious dental problems due to my teeth grinding every time I hear Public Radio/TV claim to be unbiased---I believe their idea of an 'honest debate about guns' would be between someone who believes only the military and police should be allowed firearms of ANY type and someone who believes that no one at all, even military and police should have guns.
"Thanks for the disclaimer. It's refreshing to see someone acknowledge the bias of a website. I'm still waiting for a left-leaning group to do this."

everyone is biased, there is no "neutral" ! it simply doesn't exist.

some of us try to be fair about our biases and consider the other perspective also, but we are still biased.

"fair" nothing fair in government. it's all about power (aka control) but that rant belongs in >/dev/null

anyway my hope is that the judges sees the truth and throws the case out. and yes i'm biased.
Chicago filed the suit in a Cook County Court. Any judge who is "biased" to seeing the truth, and tosses the suit for having no merit, won't be a Cook County Judge very long.

I'm confident which ever judge winds up with the case will hear it, and rule in Chicago's favor, passing the buck to the various appeals courts to deal with it.
Chicago filed the suit in a Cook County Court. Any judge who is "biased" to seeing the truth, and tosses the suit for having no merit, won't be a Cook County Judge very long.

I'm confident which ever judge winds up with the case will hear it, and rule in Chicago's favor, passing the buck to the various appeals courts to deal with it.
Unfortunately, that seems to be our judicial system now. The constitution has been taken out of the lower courts.
The constitution has been taken out of the lower courts.

Aren't nearly all the judges of the lower courts elected positions?? Not appointed positions like Federal judges??

Elected judges (and other elected officials) have a tendency to rule the way they believe will get them re-elected, and aren't we, the people, who elected them responsible for that??

In a democracy, you don't always get the best people in office, you get the people who got the most votes, and that isn't often the same thing.
The people who get the most votes are often the people who raised the most money. More money comes from those who have lots of it than from those who have little, unless you get enough little guys on your side, or your opponent alienates enough rich guys.

If CPD uses Glocks, someone in CPD has some connection to Glock and may not want to alienate them. If that someone has the ear of the judge who gets the case, then that judge does not need to be "biased toward seeing the truth", he only needs to know which side of the bread has butter on it.

Win or lose on the first engagement, the case will not be over; it will be appealed and it is just a matter of how high it gets - how high the costs get for the two sides.

And I have been gone from there for close to forty years so I don't know anything about the composition or leanings of the Illinois Supreme Court, but it has always been the case that much of the State is opposed to the Chicago Machine, simply because they are disenfranchised by the system / population statistics. So how the Illinois Supreme Court might rule is well beyond my understanding.

This will be an amusing case to watch. I'd like to hear from people on TFL who understand the Glock striker-fired system and how the Glock Switch interacts with it - in other words how simple or difficult it would be for Glock to simply change it enough to meet the demands of the lawsuit - versus endless court dates and attorney fees.
Aren't nearly all the judges of the lower courts elected positions?? Not appointed positions like Federal judges??

Elected judges (and other elected officials) have a tendency to rule the way they believe will get them re-elected, and aren't we, the people, who elected them responsible for that??

In a democracy, you don't always get the best people in office, you get the people who got the most votes, and that isn't often the same thing.
I agree with you up to a point. I see just as many federal judges who do not follow the constitution as I see state judges. I also see a major part of the problem is many elected officials have forgotten we are a constitutional republic and no matter how many votes they received, they all take a oath to follow the constitution. Do bad people get reelected? you bet. Will/can that change? Only when we the people start holding those who break the constitution accountable. That, I have not seen in any of our fine states.
My point was that when elected officials don't obey the Constitution, the people to blame (besides the individual official) are the ones who elected them.

Federal judges that are appointed, so then they don't "behave" we have to blame the administration that appointed them, not the public, directly.

There are circumstances where malfeasance in office can get them removed. When it is misfeasance, generally speaking, the people's only course of action is to not return them to office.

Also remember that for each of us who recognize the error these judges are committing, there are as many (or more) misinformed, or under informed people with the opposite viewpoint.

Which is usually why those judges got elected and get re-elected to begin with.
How is suing any manufacturer for the criminal modification and misuse of their product the right thing to do??


It's the food-fight spaghetti method - throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. With the way they are currently violating all of the laws regarding criminal invaders, and opposite political folks, all it will take is the right Soros-bought judge and DA
I think most "voters" have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. A civil war will wake them up but they will still have no idea what side they should be on. Blame welfare and the left's consistent plan to corral public intellect.
Just out of curiosity, wouldn't the fact that city of Chicago approved the Glock for their own police (and bought how many???) be a reasonable argument for the defense against the claim that Glock is somehow negligent in the design of their pistols??
I doubt the city is concerned that their own police will buy Glock switches and convert their pistols to full-auto.

Maybe they want Glock to outfit their entire department, along with the entire Illinois State Police, with the latest models, at zero cost, in return for the lawsuit going away.