Citizens' Self-Defense Act protects gun owners who save lives


New member

Please ask your U.S. Representative to cosponsor H.R. 47. Bills with a large number of cosponsors are much more likely to receive an up-or-down vote in Congress. Building cosponsors is the critical first step in enacting a bill into law.
Contact your Rep. by visiting to use the GOA Legislative Action Center. The system will identify your representative for you and you can check to see whether or not he or she has cosponsored the bill. You can easily send a pre-written e-mail message from there, and the system will automatically load either a "please cosponsor" message or a "thank you for cosponsoring" message depending on your Representative's cosponsor status.

Please forward this to other like minded people & web sites
Note to file: emails are mostly ignored by politico staffs.....mainly becuse they get so many cut and pastes from web site pleas.

Phone calls are generally noted on their sheets for given issues.
Personal letters do even better.

Tell them who you are, what district you live in and what you support/reject.
Rich is correct. Phone calls are good.

However, MOST organizations and politicos consider a WRITTEN LETTER, particularly when it's hand written, to have the impact of coming from five thousand people. Because ONLY one in about five thousand will actually sit down and write a letter, hence if they get a written letter they figure there are 4,999 OTHER people out there who feel the same way.

Having said that, if you are writing your politico who IS NOT the same party of you, or your area, EXPECT to be ignored. The only Democrats that got elected here in COLORADO were all front range liberals. They will NOW IGNORE all requests from their constituents who ARE NOT LIBERAL.

Just thought you should know.