Citizens of America ad campaign


New member
There has been some discussion on the radio ad effort of the Citizens for America.

Forwarded from Jim Houck:

Dear friends,

Recently many of you have asked me where the advertising for Citizens
of America has run or is running to date.

The attatched webpage is from the Citizens of America site and lists
all the states our radio is running in or has already run in.

As you can see, we are more than living up to our promise to engage
the enemy across our great nation. The media blitz you see here,
combined with the produced creative, would represent hundreds of
thousands of dollars in expenses in a conventional setting. We have
accomplished what you see here for only several thousand dollars.
This has been possible because of the enormous sacrafices and
overwhelming desire to defeat a hated enemy by a handful of fighting
Americans, true warriors in every sense of the word.

Our advertising is generating massive attention and media interviews
around the United States, constantly. And we grow stronger every day.
With each offensive launched by the tyrannical enemy, our resolve
grows tenfold to utterly destroy them and their sickening plan to make
disarmed slaves out of free Americans.

Were we to ever come into contact with a mere fraction of the money a
group like the National Rifle Association gets, we would be a
devastating force.

You can fire a round directly at those who would disarm you by either
donating and/or helping spread the word with the people's printing
press, the internet. You can also hear our radio ads and see our
upcoming print ads that will launch soon, on our website:
This is a great outfit
We should support this cause
I sent a check for 50.00

I like the 911 call the best!!!!