Citizens don't question Obama he will crush you...

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Is someone in your family or maybe you next?

The Department of Defense has allegedly compelled a private employer to fire a U.S. Army Reserve major from his civilian job after he had his military deployment orders revoked for arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

According to the CEO of Simtech Inc., a private company contracted by the Defense Security Services, an agency of the Department of Defense, the federal government has compelled the termination of Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook.

Now this wasn't his government job it was his civilian job....You sheeple be prepared he will crush your life too.
Quoting WND is like quoting the Enquirer. If anyone is really mentally deficient enough to do that I can agree with their thread being locked.

Plus, as a soldier you are sworn to obey lawful orders. You do not get to decide if you like the guy they come from. If you make the mistake of thinking that way you deserve as dishonorable a discharge as they can come up with for you.
What did he think was going to happen when he questioned the Messiah?

I found it ironic that the military chose to back off rather than deal with the issue, about as honorable a thing as they can do under the circumstances.

I am betting the demand his employer fire him came fom the political side of things.
I'm by no means a huge Obama fan...

But I'd lay odds that Obama doesn't even know about this case.

Compared to global financial meltdown, a stimulus package that nationally does not appear to be stimulating, a housing crisis that just keeps on getting bigger, part-ownership of not one but two global auto corporations, North Korean nuclear testing and missle development, Iranian nuclear development and simultaneous threats against Israel, the very real potential for Israel to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran, Nancy Pelosi's grand-standing, Joe Biden's continuing to shove both feet into his mouth simultaneously on-camera, and a Congress that continues to prepare to shove a Health Care Bill up the collective sphincters of the American public, who will then likely protest mightily and vote Republican in the next election, Obama has enough on his plate to likely overlook the self-serving bullschit from one specific dumbass.

DoD is quite capable of pursuing this course on it's own.

And frankly, the guy deserves it for massive stupidity. Touch a hot burner on the stove? Get burned. Life is all about consequences. Be a dumbass in uniform? Get fired.

What sort of moron raises his hand and swears to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic, takes his paycheck every month, gets to be a Major, then gets orders for deployment and raises hell with the Army by "arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office."

The U.S. Army is not a democracy.

If you take the pay, you do the job you're told to do, or get out.

My youngest son just arrived in Afghanistan yesterday for an 8-month tour in Helmand Province. He didn't moan about not liking Obama. He got on the plane last Tuesday night.

My oldest son is a 2nd Lt at Fort Benning. He'll likely be rotating over next February. He has no plans to moan about not going because of Obama either. Both of my sons will be in Afghanistan at the same time.

As far as I'm concerned, another word for what this Major has done is "cowardice" during time of war.

This piece of schit Major is lucky I'm not on the board deciding his fate, because I'd recall his ass to active duty, charge him with dereliction of duty, treason in time of war, and conduct unbecoming an officer, and lock his ass up for several years. And my conclusions have nothing whatever to do with Obama. I was Marine Corps infantry officer once upon a time, and the Major's whining and trouser-pissery upon receiving orders to deploy is utterly repulsive.

Screw him.

He isn't fit to clean my two son's boots.

And Obama has nothing to do with it.
While there may possibly be L&CR issue in there somewhere

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