Citizen Sponsored Gun Buy Back?


New member
Would a Citizen Sponsored Gun Buy back be legal??? Seeing how it would a Private person to person sale. If it would be I will pay $50 cash for anything that I think is worth it :) I would also be getting guns off the streets and into a safe. :)

Dead [Black Ops]
Dead, it would be as legal as a govt-sponsored buy back. To wit: illegal as all hell. Without an FFL, no person or org can conduct "business" in firearms transactions. That includes PDs and HUD.

The difference is, they can get away with it. We can't. :(
Depends on local and state laws.

Could be an interesting expirement. On the one hand, I'm sure you'll see mucho junk.

On the other, some guilt-ridden sucker-mom might traipse in with 'granpa's old guns' and hand you a couple of Colt single-actions with sequential serial numbers. Stranger things have happened, you never know.

I disagree, he's talking about sticking them in a safe. So far as I know, you can "buy back" (actually a misnomer, whether a govt entity does it or a private individual, I digress) all the guns you want if that's what turns your crank. If you start selling or trading in any volume there might be some issues, but buying and collecting isn't regulated by volume (yet).

I'd check state and local laws, but I wouldn't hesitate to go for it. As I mentioned, you might just get really lucky.
I guess I have to wait till I get my FFL, how long does that paper work take to go through? :)

Guess I will contact the State Police, and ask them, wonder if I say I was HCI would have a positive or negative effect?

Dead [Black Ops]

[This message has been edited by Dead (edited August 09, 2000).]
Jack, good point, but this is ATF we're talking about. "Interpretation" is their bailiwick, and they'd likely interpret a pro-gun buyback (sic) to be a violation of some reg or other.
The answer, of course, is to partner up with your local FLL holder, to do the paperwork.

Place ad in paper:

"Ledbetter Public Safety Foundation Sponsors Gun Buy-Back

The Ledbetter Public Safety Foundation, an organization devoted to helping people feel safer in their homes, is sponsoring an ongoing gun buy-back program. $50 will be paid for each and every qualifying gun turned in. Guns may be turned in by appointment made by calling the number below."

They call. You take them over to gun dealer to get their money (when they sign). Because just giving them the fifty and taking their 1940 Spingfield 1911A1 would be wrong. So, so wrong.

[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited August 09, 2000).]
Don't we already have this in a lot of states? Around here they are called Gun Shows.

Someone offers to buy my mint firearm for $50 and I tell hime it's worth $1000. We haggle awhile and agree on a price somewhere in between or I walk away and try some other "buy back guy".

Yes, it is legal under federal law as a private transfer. Just don't turn around and try to sell them to individuals. You have just started dealing without a license. You could transfer them to an FFL to then sell for you on consignment though.
OTOH, a gun buy-back program is ALL guns, right? No selective $50. You might have to take all comers. Are you ready for that? Suggest a real law research on that or burned britches perhaps, huh?! Otherwise, helluva way to build an arsenal ... 'course you might spend 40 years just Hoppes #9ing everything in the door :). Need about 3 dozen cleaning sets (maybe more).