Cimarron wood grips.. WHERE to buy??


New member
I bought a Cimarron model P 7 1/2 inch 45lc a few months back, and I love it...only thing is it has the "Black plastic/rubber grips..Id love to get a set of wooden grips..anyone know where I can BUY a set??

Does anyone sell un-finished grips? Like inletted for the trigger guard and backstrap, say about 85% finished made out of some nice fancy wood? That way I can fit them exactly and THEN put a nice finsh of my choice on them:cool:, rather than having to try and match a stain some one else picked after I get done sanding.:barf:
Even if you get grips from Cimarron they will still have to be fitted. I have a Cimarron with stag grips and wanted to put wood grips back on it. I tried three different used sets off Uberti revolvers and none would fit close enough to use. All three sets left part of the grip frame exposed. Aftermarket grips are oversize so they can be fitted.
thanks guys...this is just a basic model p 7 1/2 inch..& I have seen wood grips on the very same gun..cimarron sold the gun that way as well, but I am no expert, but I would think it should be an easy swap out...but then do I know anyway??
All Italian grips are final finished on the frame with the frame being ground down as well as wood. There is no simple swap with grips on any of them.