Cimarron Thunderer in .44 Special


New member
I wanted a revolver for revolver for my cowboy shoulder rig. I ordered a Thunderer from Cimarron. The gun was shipped to the shop I work at. Took the revolver into the range with 5 Federal factory .44 Spec. loads. Shot a target at 10 yards. The bullets tumbled through the target. What's with this? I went to work the next day with some Winchester ammo. Shot 5 times with the same results. Needless to say I was concerned and PO'ed at this point. I went and got a box of .430 bullets and put one in the muzzle. It went right on down. Barrel is stamped ".44 Spec." This looks more like a .45 cal barrel. I call Cimarron on Monday. Person I spoke with says they may have to get a barrel and repair the gun. No way I tell him. I only put 10 rounds through this thing. It is clearly your fault. I want a new gun. He says only if gun can not be fixed. The warrantee paper states that it takes 60 days before it is even looked at. Told the guy I need the gun for my matches and feel it is not right for me to wait 2-3 months to get the gun back. Person told me the boss was a cowboy shooter and he will see if he get things moving. I also mentioned that these guns are not made one at a time and to make sure the next one is in fact a .44 Spec. He mentioned they may have an issue with Uberti. Not my concern, I want a new gun. Am I off base?
I spoke to them today ( I gave them a week ) to find out what was happening and was told to call back in another 10 days.
Not a happy camper

I am inclined to agree with you....

Seems like 60 days is kind of long to take look.

If the shop is either prepping new firearms or fixing problems, seems like the problems should come first.

Someone who has more experience with Cimarron might be able to provide a valid rationale.
Cimarron Thunderer .44 Special

Here we are at the 3 month mark and still no gun. Called last week and the person says to me "Yeah, I know your gu. "No one had the nerve to call you. Do you want the truth?" I answer yes. He tells me that Uberti sent the wrong barrel. They sent a .44-40 barrel. They are expecting another shipment in August. Perhaps the barrel will be on that shipment. Told him again I should have been sent a replacement gun. Long story short his answer was that was not going to happen. I am looking forward to at least another 3 months without the gun. Last Cimarron/Uberti for me.

I've never purchased from them so have no actual experience . . but . . I've heard it both ways . . . good service and bad service.

I don't blame you for being P.O.'d - I would be too. IF . . and that's a big IF . . . they didn't have a replacement, they should have sent you a shipper to send it back on their dime and refunded your full purchase price. That's just good business.

What baffles me is if they are in the business of selling these handguns and rifles . . does no one check them upon receiving the shipment before they are sold? I realize these importers receive their "batches" from Italy and after they are here - if there is a screw up it can be difficult to correct just due to the logistics of importing. BUT . . those problems should be between the importer and the manufacturer . . not at the "customer's expense" either dollar wise or time wise. I was in business for many years. If a customer ordered a "widget" and what he got was not what the specs said it was . . it was either returned and replaced with the correct "widget" or an immediate refund upon return so that they could purchase otherwise. That's just "good customer service".

A number of months ago, I was ready to order a Uberti Cattleman in 32-20. Only one company seems to import and sell them - I won't mention who. I figured I would order it and by the time I arrived back in Michigan, my LGS would have it and the FFL paperwork would be done. At the same time, I was going to order a set of Lyman 310 dies from the 310 Shop for loading cartridges for the handgun. The owner asked me for specific specs. on the gun as far as throat size and actual bore size. I called the company as it was not on their site. The lady was very courteous but said she had to ask their "gun smith" and asked me to call back the next day. I did and the information she gave me didn't even make sense for a 32-20. You'd think they would have that information on a quick reference sheet but I guess not. I finally decided to wait as I will not order from them just because of the "mis-iformation" I was given. If I can't buy it in person, it "ain't gonna happen".

Hopefully you'll get your handgun and it will be right . . . but you have every right to be upset. No, it's not their fault . . . but not switching for a different one or offering a full refund is. Good luck!:)
Did you buy it using a credit card? If so call the credit card company (number on back of card), tell them you did not get what you paid for and have them remove the charge from your account. Now it is no longer your problem. Tell Cimarron to keep the gun and shop somewhere else.

I feel your pain. Find a good, long book. You may be in for a long wait. It took a year for me to get a replacement and that was just cosmetic.

You work at a gun shop correct? Are you guys a Cimarron Dealer? If so you should contact your Dealer or sales Rep directly. In my experience Reps will go the extra mile to keep you pimpin' their product over a competitors.
Even if your not an "authorized dealer" I would let them know that based on your experience so far it would be hard to recommend there product to a customer.

But at least now you know. Consider any Uberti/Cimarron off the shelf to be about 80% finished. They all need something. These days I usually order my Cimarrons from a professional outfit (Long Hunter, Cody Conagher, etc...) that will give them a physical and then clean and tune them up for me. It usually amounts to a twenty or twenty-five percent premium that I think is well worth it.

Think of them as the MG or Triumph (or Italian equivalent) of the firearms world. A lot of fun but damn they need some attention.
These type of mistakes are more common that a person would think. If I remember IbMikey had a similar experience. Maybe he will chime in here with his take on the matter. I had a similar experience with a Uberti Sharps 45/ had a .452 dia. barrel !
Good ole Uberti/Cimarron, i purchased a set of Mod P revolvers in 44-40 to take some of the pressure off of my Colt SAA's. Took the set out to fire and found the same issue with one pistol, slugged the 44-40 marked barrel finding it to be .452. Cimarron reluctantly replaced the pistol with a new one, i sold them shortly thereafter at a loss and went back to my Colts. I am quite happy they did not have the reverse situation with a .44 barrel on a .45 frame and cylinder, might have had more of an issue stuffing big into small. Most of the products i have obtained from Cimarron have been ok but their CS is sorry...i sent a rifle back twice for jamming problems, came back with the same trouble...third trip back it was jammed full of ammo and so marked....returned with apology but not repaired. A So Ca gunsmith told me he would repair it in ten minutes for forty bucks....never had a malfunction since.
I have a Cimarron Uberti 32-20 low wall that should be called a 32 unknown, as the chamber was cut so bad it leaves the brass blow out almost straight with just a trace of a neck left. The throat is also so long that I can seat a bullet all the way out in the case and still chamber it. Cimarron will sell me a new barrel for 288.00 + shipping + instillation and it will take 6mo. to get it. I won't buy another Uberti without test-firing it first.