Cimarron 32 HR Magnum / 32-20


New member
Good afternoon everyone,

I was poking around the internet the other day and found a Cimarron 32 HR Magnum / 32-20 dual cylinder model. Anyone try/handle one of these? If so what were your impressions? Did you shoot both cylinders? How was the point of impact VS the two cylinders? Any info yall have would be great thanks!
The only problem with the SAA Colt (and copies) in ,32 or .22 is that they are heavy as all heck (big chunk of iron, small holes).

All of the ones I've seen in the wild are the Lightning and Model P Jr., which have somewhat awkward ergonomics for folks with large hands, although the wife loves them. :)

Concur with James K about the weight; I've only handled the .38's, which are far from svelte, and the .32's must be worse. Should be fine for a range toy though. Recoil? Whuzzat? ;)
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I have a 32 magnum Single Six that is to shoot. The recoil is negligible. A steel-framed SAA in that caliber would be loads of fun. It would feel like shooting a 22, but would be launching a much more serious chunk of lead.
I have the single 6 and single 7 in their respective 32 mag calibers. The are light and fun and easy to carry. The grips are way small and the recoil is snappy an almost annoying effect. It wont bother a 10 year old girl in terms of pain or control but you know there is something going on there. Especially with the new 327 magnum loads.

I am tempted to add a 32 blackhawk for a larger grip and heavy gun. I think there is a place for a big heavy, more fun to shoot 32. Probably more accurate, with the weight and sight radius.

I think Cimeron is a good product. I personally want adjustable sights, but there were plenty of 32/20 colts back in the day. I would not hesistate as far as the brand name goes or the option for a pair fun calibers. I expect point of impact all over the place when changing 32/20 to 32 special to 327 mag loads.

I only shot one porcupine with the 32 mag. That was with H&R mag ammo. Killed the snot out of him. The 327 mag is a good step up.
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A little information goes a long way. Looks to me like the only 32 convertibles are built on the small frame Lightning and Model P Jr, which is about the size of a Single Six.

I also have SAA's in 22, 32, 38 WCF, various 44's and 45 Colt. Sure the small bores are a little heavier but I wouldn't be without any of them.

I am tempted to add a 32 blackhawk for a larger grip
Grip is the same. I don't know why anybody would want a bloated large frame Blackhawk when they already have a Single 7.
I am not sure what guns you mean, but I will continue to call a .22 on a full size SAA Colt frame heavy. If you don't mind the weight, more power to you.

What do you mean you don't know what guns I mean? The only 32 convertibles Cimarron offers are about the size of the Single Six.

You can call them whatever you want. A 4.75" 22LR SAA is within an ounce of a 6" K22. That's the older tapered barrel, not the later full lug version. Not as light as a 45 but not exactly a boat anchor either.
I don't know why anybody would want a bloated large frame Blackhawk when they already have a Single 7

Short answer- I am a gun nut. No harder to understand than an SAA in 22 LR :)

I will repeat a long heavy, blackhawk might be fun and accurate. In addition too, not instead of.
Thanks everyone for the info, I already have a Ruger SP 101 and Single Six birds head in 32h&r and I do enjoy shooting the 32's. I will try to get my hands on one to see how it feels and points.