Church seeks weapons offering


New member

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Episcopalians in northern Illinois will debate a resolution to get their guns out of their homes, as the Diocese of Chicago meets Saturday for its annual convention.

The proposed resolution calls on Episcopalians to remove "handguns and assault weapons" from their homes and cars because "the violence in our midst is enabled by the presence of guns." It has no enforcement mechanism.

If the roughly 500 clergy and lay delegates meeting at St. James Cathedral Saturday pass the resolution, the diocese will ask the rest of the 2.5-million-member denomination to follow suit.

Full story:,1575,SAV-9911140137,00.html
It is quite clear from Scripture that they do not reflect the opinions of Jesus Christ and are acting in the worst interests of their congregations. (See signature) The congregations should make a mass exodus and find a different kind of church where they can learn the truth IMHO.

Robert [[/url]

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Next month, the Men's Fellowship at my church is planning to spend a day at the range.
All I can say is thank God!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, eh Karanas? ;)

Not to down anyone's beliefs, but my own church is The Temple of Ballistic Conflict Resolution. If I'm to place my faith in a higher power, then let it be my gun.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator
Since I am "undecided" on faith, I won't say that I follow sush-or-such church. However, I am sure that no matter how ugly a gun I have in my hand when it is needed most, it will seem like God's own handiwork to me (even if the item in question is a CZ52 :))
I have heard more than one Evangelical Christian Minister state that in fact, it's not the guns but rather the evil sin nature we are born with at birth. The problem started in the Garden of Eden not at the Gun Show. The problem with the Episcopal Muckety Mucks is that they may not want to admit that man is fallen. Any religious group that focuses on politics instead of The Great Commission bears scrutiny.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I'm quite certain that a large percentage of the very people that assail the Catholic and Evangelical Churches for inserting their views on abortion into the political spectrum will adopt an entirely different standard here. Anybody disagree?
When the hell are these anti everything people going to come to grips with the fact that IT TAKES A GUN TO STOP A GUN? They had better get used to it, and learn to live with it.
Couldn't resist doing a spin:

The Episcopalian Church, having reasoned that the Second Coming of Christ is near and with accompanying civil unrest and and hostility targeted against the Church and its congregation, is going the way of the Branch Davidians and, with intent of arming itself to the teeth, call upon it's flock to procure arms for it, with said arms to be stored in the Holy Arsenal of God (the Church).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Wow, Coin, your a "BCR", too? We need to get our church approved by the IRS as tax-exempt, then start collecting offering to finance the spread of the gospel truth.
I would like to add to your conversation by adding the following list of religious organizations that the NRA has confirmed to be financing anti-gun campaigns.

One of the principle founders of the CSGV (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence) is the United Methodist Church.

You may access a complete list by logging on:
and clicking onto the "research & information" button, then scroll down to:
"FACTS anti gun support".

American Jewish Community
American Jewish Congress
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Bible Holiness Movement
Church of the Brethren (Washington office)
Jesuit Conference (office of Social Ministries)
Jewish Community Center
National Council of Jewish Women
North American Federation of Temple Youth
Presbyterian Church, USA (Social Justice & Peacemaking Ministry Unit)
Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Religious Action Center)
Unitarian Universalist Assoc.
United Church of Christ (office for Church Society)

Maybe the religious community should ask where their tithing is going.
How do the clergy in your church feel about gun control and anti gun campaigns?
Are they willing to speak out to their congregations in favor of our Constitutional rights which is the same vehicle that guarantees their freedom of religion.
"The truth shall set you free."

Mrs. Mad Dog
"...that, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it..." ;)

A hearty Amen to Will's post. It's not the tool that determines what kind of work is wrought, but rather the person using it.

Now, if the congregation has received a direct revelation from God about giving up their arms, that's another matter entirely (the Quakers, for the most part, hold that view). Unfortunately--and this statement will probably offend some--it seems that in many arenas, the Episcopal Church is influenced more by humanistic agendas than divine (for example, the example of their ordination of unrepentant gay clergy readily springs to mind). So, like Will said, it seems their stance is more one of worldly politics than pursuing a heavenly vision.

Many Christians, I think, don't really have a good solid basis for their personal leanings one way or another over the issue. Many prefer to stand on someone else's convictions rather than to have one of their own.

Many can readily cite the "Thou shalt not kill" (actually, "Thou shalt not murder") Commandment, but fail to realize that self-defense is in many regards a Biblically-sanctioned principle (Exodus 22:2, the restoration of Jerusalem by armed workers in Nehemiah, to cite two examples).

Many of us are also ignorant of the historical examples of faithful Christian men who took up arms in the name of defense, like Huldreich Zwingli, Nathaniel Green, and Alvin York, to name a few. Martin Luther also (to the best of my knowledge) did not preach against armed defense of self or loved ones. Not for the delight of taking a life, but for the sake of preserving life, and moreover, the freedom to live it fully.

And so, I shall step down from my pulpit...


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Mrs. Mad Dog--
Welcome-- Haven't seen Mad Dog post in awhile...

It is an EXCELLENT point that if you are a member of your church, you would do well to see where, exactly, all those feel-good tithes are going, and to try to make your voice heard.

Folks, just because a church's name is attatched to an anti-gun group does NOT mean that the dogma of that church is necessarily anti-gun. If one small contingent of the United Methodist Church or one of the many, many Jewish activist groups (which is not only made up of many offshoots of the main religion, but of many people who are ethnically Jewish, but actually only coincidentally of the religion of Judaism...) contributes to an anti-gun group like HCI, that in NO WAY should be construed to mean that the entirety of the religion is of that stance.

It's a lot like with the Muslims-- seems as though the entire religion has been stigmatized by the world perception that was cast by some extremists, mostly of the Shiite sect. Truth of the matter is, the vast majority or Muslim people are regular Joes, nice guys, who don't want to "kill the infidels!" (Which would be.. me, I suppose.)

So, anyway, does the phrase "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" ring a bell? :)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Welcome Teryl, err Mrs. Mad Dog. Good points. The role of our churches in the Bill of Rights struggle bears close scrutiny.

This thread is, I think, an area as yet undeveloped on TFL. Being Jesuit educated (and proud of it), their inclusion is your list tarnishes my entire history. Perhaps the Jesuits forget their roots as Rome's shock troops during the Reformation. Their penchant for espionage, treachery and assasination in the hallowed halls of monarchy was legendary. They were colorful, open minded and impressive. Too bad to see them brought this low.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited November 16, 1999).]
Mrs. Mad Dog, when can we expect the Church of Tactical Truth to see the light and demand that its members turn in their weapons to the government?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron