Chrono advice needed


New member
I have a PACT chronograph that is a bit cumbersome to set up but I've successfully used it since 1985 with rifles but I simply cannot get any readings when I try to chronograph handguns.

The recommended distance from the muzzle to the first sensor is 70 inches and both sensors should be 4 inches below the bullet path. The bullet path window under the sky screens is about 4"wide (bottom)x 12" wide (top) x 13" high.

I've not tried to graph any bullets smaller than .44 (180gr) and .45 caliber. (250gr; 300gr). I can't understand why the unit can't see these fat bullets.

Any ideas?
I assume that stops the sunlight reflection -? Interesting. That's what the skyscreens are supposed to do, but I guess it depends on the angle of the sunlight?
cdoc...i feel your pain

i have an old chrony...used a lot in the old i built a grendel and did some reverse bullet drop stuff with strelock to see how fast the vel was...and i thought i was close....

so i get the old chrony out ..put in a new batt..hey i came on...set it up shot a 22 over it ..hey it i set it up and fiddled with it shoot the grendel over it...i couldnt get it to read anything out of the grendel...nutttin

anyway.... i caught the magneto speed sporter on sale at optic planet and picked one up....oh my this thing is easy to set up and works pretty good too....glad i took the leap and got a new one...way easier than that other thing

i dont use a chrono all the time...but i just wanted to see if i was close with the other method....not really but kinda..within 75fps...but thats a lot if you are tring to dial

anyway i like the magneto speed...they make two different ones and i didnt really need the fancy one

my .02
