Chronagraphing sabot loads


New member
What is the best way, safest way(for the Chrony) to check the velocity of front stuffer loads? Whether it be rifle or pistol? I haven't tried it yet, but it would seem to me that the sabot would wack the Chrony pretty hard even at 10 or 20yds downrange. What do you do? I have tried some loads with lead full caliber diameter bullets and had no problems other than unburned powder kinda fogging it up, so I moved the Chrony back another 10ft.
I think what I have read says you should get a chunk of butcher's paper and shoot through it to chronograph ANY BP. Smoke, etc.

Sabots would be even more difficult. If they seperate in the first couple feet, mebbe damage the sensors.

If you move the device downrange 10 feet or more, you do not get true muzzle velocity.

