Chromed vs Parked bolts on an 870

Little Wolf

New member
Are there any advantages to the older bolts and action bars that were chrome plated? Did they resist wear better? Are there any advantages/dissadvantages to just using a standard park/blued bolt? Did the chrome ever flake off, anyone ever personally experience this? Thanks.
my latest 870 bolt is polished chrome

But the one before that was parked.
In over half a million rounds on USS Anzio, our two 870s had the original bolts, both chromed.
Half a million rounds, each. (Beofe they cut them in half on a bandsaw at FISC)
I refused to take them there.

I almost got busted for it, too. I told my CO that I would NEVER be responsible for the demise of a weapon at the hands of the bandsaw. He, after much yelling and screaming, saw that I was serious, and realized that busting an otherwise outstanding sailor (back then I was a good boy) for feeling strongly about America's guns would be "bad".
He called FISC and had them pick them up. I was told to stay out of it.
The reality is, thousands of M-14s, 1911s, M&Ps, Model 10s, and 870s went the way of the chopsaw. Clinton seemed to think it was a good idea.
You would be amazed what the navy disposes of ...thousands of rounds of small arms ammo,every thing from .22 cal to .45cal and 20 mm to 5"/38 over the side to the deep six they went,the ran over with a depth charge run,it`s supposed to be cheaper than to off load it in port , then return it to inventory,times man power and labour hours and re packing thats what i saw 50 yrs ago.:eek: