Christmas Wish List


New member
Hey- Santa starts his midnight ride in just ten days.Shouldn't we be letting him know what we REALLY want this year.I'd like a stainless steel Smith & Wesson Model 27-not a six or eight shot 627, but an honest to goodness stainless 27. Please Santa!!!
Please Santa, I'd like at least 4 hi-cap mags for my P99 :) :) I promise that I won't use them to blast any two-faced,gun grabbing,commie libs :) (At least not yet ;)) Two or three cases of 115gr 9mm hollow points would be nice too :) :) :) ( There is a remote chance that I might miss :()

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
Well, I'd like to try out a Steyr M9, get another case of JHP from Georgia Arms, try out a case of JHP from Precision Ammo and Pro Load, 3 preban mags for my USP9f, and get my hands on a new P7M13.

Oh, and a lifetime membership to IDPA.

"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
Dear Santa,
I don't want much, and I'm not sure if you can legally deliver a gun to me (do you have an FFL?) without incurring the wrath of feds, so I'll just ask for a $1000 gift certificate to my favorite gun store.

Take care, try to eat a little better (stay away from all of those snacks left out for you), and get some exercise, okay?
Thank you,

P.S. Do you happen to have any of those Janet Reno voodoo dolls left? Ha!
Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited December 14, 1999).]
Iffn Santa was going to be really nice to me this year, I'd like a Sterling with about 20 extra mags and all the parts to keep it running. (No, not the US semi-auto pistol either.)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Dear Santa,

I've been really, really good this year. How about a new copy of every gun I sold that I regreted afterwards. Yeah that should do the trick. BTW you're gonna need a weight belt to lift your bag, if you plan to slide that package 'neath my tree. Just lookin' out for you Santa!

I wish for Santa to enlighten mankind about THE BILL OF RIGHTS AND OUR CONSTITUTION and let them stand strong. Oh yea, also a BMG .50. Is that to damn much to ask for?????

From my cold dead hands.