Christmas Shoot

Whew ... Sunday night and just back from the range.

My club had its first-ever Christmas "novelty" shoot today, followed by a barbie and a coupla beers or vinos.

I pushed hard for it ... so if it went awry, my head was on the block.

But it was great! We shot:

Pistol: 10 rounds at 25 metres

Rifle: 10 rounds at 25 metres, but with the targets in backwards, so all you saw was a blank; you had to "guesstimate" where the bull was. (Belive it or not, one bloke shot 95.1/100!!!!!!)

Shotgun: 5 clays "down the line" but only one shot per clay.

Great fun: we had 50 shooters including wives who never come out to the club. They all said they had a ball! I even think a couple will be coming back to shoot competitively!

Guns away, we had a barbie (sausages and burgers, salads and rolls), fruit salad and cake, red and white wine and a beer or two.

I came third. But I'm just elated at the "thank yous" I got from the members as they were leaving. It was one of the most satisfying things we've done.

If you're in a gun club, and you don't do something similar -- give it a whirl!!!!

B (high, not feeling much pain, and full of tucker!!)
Good on ya Bruce !
"The only happy Aussie's an Aussie with a FULL stomach !" :D
And knowing that his Long guns are buried "correctly" in the "Bush" ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Well we had a christmas bbq for our hunting club - (organised by me as usual) - 560 members and 20 people turn up. Typical bloody lazy shooters.
I'd like to meet Barbie----DAMN, my minds roaming of to those odd places again!!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
RA: 50 shooters

The Club paid for the ammo:

50 x 20 .22 rimfire = 1000 rounds
50 x 5 shotgun = 250 rounds

They paid $5 for snags, burgers, bread rolls, Lebanese bread, salads x 2, fruit salad, wine, a beer, cake, tea or coffee -- and you want steak???? ;)

PS: Incidentally, 50 shooters from 135 members wasn't too bad a turnout.

You've heard about the "Divorce Barbie"?????

She comes with all of Ken's accessories!!


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited December 14, 1999).]

I'm sorry, mate. Really.

I had no indication the computer was going anywhere!!!!!

I've tried to amend them, but I can't get back in -- it's just hanging.

I do apologise.
