Christmas Ham..........


New member
After 7 days of the fish-market eating our lives........picture does not in any way transmit the pandominum and yes, here in FL people eat fish for Christmas ( 400+ bushels of oyster this week!........Louann and I did Christmas with the families last night and then hit the woods this morning. Perfect morning for it too, overcast, light wind and not another hunter on the whole place.

Split up in a area where the hogs have been rooting up red root and worked into the wind. About 9 AM this guy, after being stalked in the thick stuff for close to a hour, steped out at about 15 feet.

After cleaning him up we hauled out a fat lighter log and then headed to the house so part of him could spend a few hours in the oven.......and he was good! The rest of him will spend a few days in a brine and then be guest of honor at New Years...........



He doesn't really have louann trained at all... He tricks her by actin' all old and meek until Louann gets miffed and says "Here ya' sissy... hold the camera... I'll drag the dang thing myself... someone has to get it to the shop before it draws buzzards..."
Biz, Am I any where near close???

Nice big healthy fella... Is he "with bits" or a "barr"?
If he is fertile, you make sure to throw it all away or feed it to the enemies 'cuz too many folks have told us the "gamey" taste of a boar and the tuff as saddle leather meat is inedible...;)

ETA: I just noted the fine dining report on the ham... Someone might have been wrong about them ol' bo'hogs, huh???:D
Enjoy that savory joker!!!

It just dont seem right having fish and oysters for Christmas.
I grew up with turkey and later added a ham too it.
Must be warmer there than here. Last night we were at -6.
Being mostly Norwegian it's "required" that we have oyster stew on some night during the holidays. And I make the best there is! But the big meal on Christmas is ham and turkey. No wild hogs around Wisconsin to eat.
As a native Floridian surf and turf are natural choices of special but available food for festive meals.
He doesn't really have louann trained at all... He tricks her by actin' all old and meek until Louann gets miffed and says "Here ya' sissy... hold the camera... I'll drag the dang thing myself... someone has to get it to the shop before it draws buzzards..."
Biz, Am I any where near close???

Yea! I'm thinkin bswiv does the same when it comes to gettin the gators onboard as well. See'n how Louann always ends up in the water....

...hope Louann never gets wise to his tricks or he may have to leave Fla. :D

I hope poor ole Louann at least gets to eat good...she's gotta keep her strength up. ;)

Nice hog bs .
Sure looks yummy.

Last night we went to a crab feed.
Here in the NW we mix it up salmon, turkey, goose, ham, beef, or lamb. Sometimes more than one from that group.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

You are very correct......Louann represents my greatest "management" success. Now if I could just do something with the sister in law.......

As for the "fish & oysters" for Christmas........Italians do it big as do Christians from the Philipines and other SE Asian countries. Beyond that here in the Blackwater Region of the South any excuse for oysters on a cold day will do.
That piggy hanging off the front-end loader while your peeling it. That Pix brings reality to its actual size. Ooo! that's a outstanding porker present for Christmas. Congrats are due on this occasion. No doubt about it bswiv & Ms. Louann too. :)
Im an OPHS grad. Used to hunt Osceola NF, Lake Butler and Camp Blanding a good bit back in the day. Heading down your way to hunt with a bud over near Lake City in a couple of weeks.
Spent a couple of decades in the Sacramento valley. We usually had the "Christmas" goose. Usually the Canadian, but once we had a Speckled Breast.

Turkey was usually for Thanksgiving and sometime around there, pheasant. Ducks along with geese were winter fare. An occasional Jackrabbit was always welcome.

I grew up in Northwest Fl, near Eglin AFB and hunted as a kid there, was also stationed at Homestead and Patrick, so I pretty much hunted the entire state. Great score, plenty of pork for the freezer. I usually prefer the smaller ones and the sows as they are less gamey and easier to clean. I've had a few large boars that had hides like turtle shells in spots, from rubbing on pine trees and fighting.