Christmas came early!


New member
As an early Birthday/Christmas gift, my wonderful fiancé let me get a new six-shooter! My new revolver is an American Western Arms Longhorn, 5.5 inch barrel, birds head grips, and in .45 Colt. Found it used for $300 +tax. Everything looks good apart from some cylinder wear, and the action is unbelievably smooth, like oil on glass. Serial number is L3017.

Can't wait to get it out to the range! Gonna try and figure out how to add pictures, give me some time to fight with my computer.


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The other revolver is my Uberti 1875 Remington replica, which I've had for a little while now. It's a good shooter, also in .45 Colt, and has done duty as my main carry gun for quite some time, and I'd give it my highest recommendation, definately my favorite old west six-gun. The action is not quite as smooth as the Longhorn, however.
Well unfortunately, the looks didn't match performance. The base pin slid forward and out under recoil, which I'd consider fairly unsafe. Also, I found that my .452 hand loads had extremely poor accuracy. I was able to recover a bullet that had been fired and found that it fairly easily slid into the barrel of the Longhorn and wasn't engaging the rifling, a problem I had never experienced with my '75 Remmie clone. So, now I'm not sure what to do with it. I may try and grab an Open Top in .45 Colt instead. Bit of a bitter pill, but oh well, that happens sometimes.