Chris Matthews last nite


I nearly broke my 59" tv last nite when I heard this "expert", Chris Matthew, expressing his FEAR to walk the streets of NYC if he knew that people were carrrying LICENSED concealed weapons. Where is his fear/paranoia in regard to the criminals who carry UNLICENSED one????? He tried to make out the "big cities" with CCW laws are less than civilized.

Some body, please tell me that I head worngly. I do have a bad case of the flu.
Blood soaked streets

Okay, I didn't mean "head worngly", I meant "heard wrongly". This guy has really made me mad. I'm still awaiting news on the blood-soaked streets in Florida with the CASTLE DOCTRINE. Maybe, too much ear is given to those whose job to annoy - politicians, talkshow hosts, etc.
Here's a link to the video segment:

A couple gems:

"they oughta check people on sidewalks like they do getting on airplanes"

"I want to see people's that for a plan?"

What makes this even more hypocritical is that Matthew's first job in DC was as a DC policeman! Here's an excerpt from his autobiography...

With a few hours of training on the House of Representatives firing range, I was soon walking around the Capitol with a .38 special in my holster. One night I sat armed and ready outside a door containing the “Pentagon Papers,” though they’d already been published by “The Washington Post” and “The New York Times.”
I use to watch Matthews and Tim Russet because they where fair interviewers, but for the last year they have become too partisan. You could see it at the Republican debate where both Russet and Matthews were asking loaded questions to the Republicans, but never do that with the Democrats.
Chris Matthews is a liberal. As such, his biggest fear is other people, because he doesn't trust them.

Modern American liberalism is based on the fear of other people making their own decisions. Modern American liberals may talk about freedom, but they seldom support true freedom. In fact, true freedom terrifies them. They trust themselves, because they consider themselves enlightened (that is, smarter than others), but they consider non-liberals as unenlightened (that is, less intelligent) and thus untrustworthy. You can see this perspective in their words and actions.

As an example of distrust, Bill Clinton, as president, once spoke out against giving a tax break because he felt people wouldn't spend the money correctly. In other words, money - like sharp objects - is not to be given to the immature and less-intelligent because you cannot trust them to use money (or sharp objects) properly. The same sentiment applies to fast foods, guns, gas-guzzling cars, land usage, etc.

As an example of superiority, look at how liberals often describe other liberals: The King of Late Night television, The Queen of Talk Shows, and other titles of "nobility" that connote being better than the common masses. Which is one reason why liberal "royalty" always believes it should be protected by force of arms, but that the average, unwashed peon should not, because the life of an average, unwashed peon is not worth as much.

When disparaging others, liberals will use terms such as "Neanderthals," "knuckle-draggers," "cavemen," and other words that imply intellectual and social inferiority. In other words, if you disagree with them, you aren't simply wrong or misguided, you are actually a less-evolved creature.

Chris Matthews is a liberal. It would go against his political nature for him not to violently lose bladder control at the mere thought of a common citizen exercising free will.
I Posted earlier about the same show! Chris and these anti gun groups are idiots.
Chris said " If you're getting a gun for target or defense, you can stand to wait a couple weeks" and " Apparently you can be as crazy as you like under that 2nd amendment" " How many guns do people need!!"
He's lost all credibility in my book.
I used to be a cable news junkie until I realized what watching that crap does to my blood pressure. I have banned Chris Matthews from my television (as well as all the other talking head idiots) only within the past week or so, but I gotta say I have been feeling WONDERFUL since then.

huchahuchax, you're on target [maybe Matthews would find that offensive]. Callling such bipeds names like "idiot" wouuldn't hurt them, but might cause our bp to soar. Can there be some EFFECTIVE way of letting them KNOW how WE feel?????
That kind of stuff kills me and is right out of the Brady Campaign and anti gun media. They have done a good job demonizing all guns. The interesting thing is, and Chris Mattews is a pretty intelligent guy, I would imagine that he would have a hard time believing that people with a CCW commit virtually zero gun crimes as a whole. It is interesting that the word "gun" makes some people automatically think that anyone who has one is a danger to society. It's a straight forward deal and for the life of me I can't understand how they over look the fact that criminals don't abide by the law and will carry concealed when and where they want to.
I think that the average person who saw the segment viewed Mathews as left of center.

I saw the entire segment. Mathews showed that he is opposed to most indivudual gun rights, IMO.
I guess there is that element of society that assumes that when you put a gun ( of any kind ) in the hands of a law abiding citizen it turns them into a crazy person that is just looking to kill and mame. :eek:. People like Matthews just never cease to amaze me with the stuff that comes out of their mouth and how ignorant they can be.
Not just a matter of ignorance

UGH, it is not merely a matter of "how ignorant they can be", but how DANGEROUS and disarming they seem bent to be. Their being "how ignorant" could/should expose THEM and THEIR loved one to "lawabiding" CRIMINALS - yes, "lawabiding, the law of the jungle!! But I don't think that such creatures like Matthews have the right to deny US - lawabiding concealed carriers - the right to protect and defend OUR lives and the lives of OUR loved ones.

What great logic! Take away defensive weapons from decent, lawabiding citizens, and the crime rate will FALL!!!!!!!!! Yes, and for PROOF, Washington DC! and NYC! and yes, California!!

Am I the only one here who recalls that criminal punching into the face of the defenseless, incapacitated old woman in her wheelchair? Which "big city" did that occur in? Or the other old woman who managed to grap her little revolver and let the unsuspecting home invader KNOW who's BOSS in her house? And in which "big city" was that?

I recoginze that the right to free speech is a pillar of our society, one that distinguishes it as the best and greatest. But with, come on, isn't there a concomitant "responsibility" to be reasonable?
Just in

Look, although I vist this site REGULARLY, I don't post except if I think my little input contributes to a meaningful discussion. I know I've posted quite some on the Matthew's dangerous misuse of the media. But I DO seriously feel that such demented thinking is DANGEROUS. These celebrities for criminals must be stopped.

A colleague just sent me this link I though I'd share. Please bear with me. The country is Guyana, one that has a British-style gun-control law, a Matthew's "plan" in action!!! Enjoy if you can.
I'm surprised the guy stays on the air. He sounds like a screech owl makes as much sense. I do admit I seldom listen to his message since everytime he comes on the channel, the channel gets changed to something a little more worthy of my time.

Is there a TV network that pushes the liberal cause more than NBC ? The Today show has become "What's Hillary Doing Today Show"
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Their intolerance and mass murder of their opposition in the last 100 years is only anbot 150 million. Applause to Chris for siding with evil yet again. Nothing new here. I have complete contempt for these who urge more evil and hate things that are good.
ahaha what a joke...I'm writing an essay on gun control....but am taking the side against it of course...would hope it could open the eyes to people such as this Chris Matthews character. :rolleyes: