Choosing a gun safe


Hey everyone. I am looking to get my fiance a gun safe for his birthday, and would like some suggestions/opinions. has a Cannon Safari Series 64-Gun Safe 5940F-DH2TEC13 on sale for $699.99 plus around $185 for shipping. I don't know that much about gun safes, but that price seems pretty cheap compared to others I have looked at, even smaller safes. The regular price is $850 which also just seems very low in comparison to even the 24 or 36 gun safes. has the Cannon armory 80 gun safe for $1599.99 with $199 shipping which is the best price I have been able to find. The 80 gun safe is the one he has been wanting, but I guess I just don't know if it is really worth it to pay almost a grand more. Any suggestions? I'm not dead set on one of these two safes either, so if anyone knows any others that are good and a decent price, I would love to know. Thanks!
I know that all types of opinions abound on such a subject. I feel if you are getting a safe from a reputable manufacturer it will be secure enough for 99.9% of the situations one might encounter in a lifetime. I think that how the interior is laid out and how many pistols versus rifles he is storing would make the difference. If the price range you mentioned makes the difference between you being able to get him one or not then go ahead with the less expensive one. There are probably interior packages that will allow him to get it set up the way he wants if it doesn't show up that way.
I think he is marrying above his pay grade.
Big safes are hard to move. Sometimes a smaller one located on the interior of the house is better than a big one in the garage where it is easier for criminals to get to.

And remember, if they really ant to steal it they'll just hook up a chain and pull it through the walls.
I looked at both the Cannon, and the Winchester carried by Tractor Supply, but a smaller safe.

Interior finish, much better on the Winchester...and the Winchester weighed nearly twice as much.

I don't know the specs on the Cannon you're looking at, but you might compare it to this one, although the capacity sounds smaller. Look at interior dimensions, not how many rifles the manufacturer says it will hold- it'll never hold as many as they say, and scoped rifles eat up space for lunch.;-gun-safe-51-gun-capacity-102061699
Is there a way you can pick one yourself and save the shipping costs? Shipping usually involves dropping it off at your curb. Which leaves you to actually get it inside where you want it. Both of the safes your looking at are nice, big, and heavy, which if buying a safe is good.

Going downstairs is easy, just place an old blanket on your steps, lay the safe over on its side and let it slide slowly down. Going upstairs is the same just takes a little more muscle. I don't like having a safe in the garage, not here anyways with all the climate changes, but that's just me.

Anyways, if it was me, I would get the cheaper one. And if I needed more room, you could get two for the price of that one. It would be nice to be able to go look at both, but I can't imagine what they do to the Armory model to make it $900 more.
Browning has the best capacity of the safes I've seen. You'll pay a little more but may be able to get a smaller safe. Look for the DPX door system and axis shelving.
If you rent your home, or will do a lot of moving around, look at a smaller safe. You can always get two or three of them, later.

I'd love to buy a 64-gun safe for $699. Cannon is a reputable maker. I think safes in the sub-$1500 range are all pretty much the same once you get past the basic steel box for $250. If you want the safe to protect documents during a house fire, forget that idea at this price point.

Bolt it down, and keep in the interior of the house, not against an exterior wall, and completely hidden from sight of casual visitors.
My next safe will be one I can move myself and put it where nobody else knows where it is and if I move I can take it with me!

Such safes are now made by firms such as Zanotti, Snap Safe, Champion and perhaps others.

The one important reason I got a Winchester is that the door can be removed. Can't do that with a Canon.

Removing the door lightens it up a little over 100 lbs and makes a difference when moving it, and it also gives extra places to grab it.

I removed the door on mine with a floor jack in the driveway and then moved the safe inside and put the door back on after it was spotted in its final resting place.
A few of the variables that affect price are the fire rating, expressed as so many minutes at so many degrees. Also the thickness of the steel plate used, and on the door the number of bolts that extend into the frame. There needs to be sufficient bolts on all four sides of that door. Concealed hinges mean that they are hidden from view and a thieves' cutting tools.

Things like internal power connectors for lights and dehumidifiers are nice but will add to your cost. Some even have cat 5 network outlets inside them and I doubt if they give them away free either.

Lastly, if possible try to buy a bit bigger than you think you need today, that space goes fast.

Also, most big box stores like Cabela's, Bass Pro have local installers that will deliver inside your home and bolt it down where you want it. When I bought mine, they quoted $385 and I freaked out thinking it was exorbitant. I picked up at the back door using my truck and trailer and boy did I regret it. It was a circus act getting it off the trailer onto the garage floor before enough help was called upon to help me get it inside the house, and it only got to my office not the den where I envisioned it...It would have been a big PITA to remove doors and frames to make that happen.

YMMV, this is just my .02 worth. Good luck with your safe!

By the way, I love mine now and am super glad to have it. Cabela's brand is made for them, by Liberty Safes, which is a nationally recognized brand. Liberty customer service has been awesome to me in helping to get the interior perfect for my collection
Depending how much room you need I would recommend the sturdy safe you can get them in all sorts of sizes and it would take a pro to get into one and the fire ratings on them are one of the best out there you just pay for it that's all you get what you pay for. Depending on how close you are to a fire company will determine how much fire protection you need.
Plenty of factory seconds can be had at much cheaper prices. Many with simple paint issues.

The best thing to do is get good insurance. A safe is good for keeping kids, and nosey people out of your business. But if someone truly wants in, they will get in. An alarm system, or even better a dog. Insure anything you don't want stolen, and make sure to check your policy. Most wont cover more than 1500-2500$ worth of weapons that are stolen. A lot of them consider any part that can detach as a separate item (nice scopes). My neighbor actually works for Winchester Safes. If the right person wants in, they can get in. I have gone with them a couple times to see just how easily the right person can pop a safe. Just insure your items, and remember in the end a safe is simply a deterrent, and ratings are guidelines that it "should" withstand but Murphys law always applies.
My greatest feeling of security comes from my alarm system.
One of the sensors covers the safe directly.
Also the safe is placed in a room that would be EXTREMELY difficult to penetrate without an enormous commotion that would alert anyone in the surrounding area.

I don't like garage safes. Had one. Never trusted it. Truck/chain/yank.
What I did use in the garage at one time when I was broke was a lockable unserviceable freezer.

To casual observer it looked like some jerk who was protecting his frozen stuff with a padlock. Can't beat the insulation on it but always thought it would encourage moisture. Probably true. But it worked til I wasn't broke any more. :)
If your fiance is going to keep adding to his gun collection, then bigger is better. You don't want to get a gun safe that won't be able to hold his new additions after a couple years and then have to end up buying another one.
My last safe was a large Winchester that I had to leave in the garage (already have 2 others in the house). It weighs around 750 lbs. and is a bugger to move around...even on the concrete of the garage. In all honesty I don't think I would buy another Winchester. I got the traditional combo lock, and it is like a cheaper version of the sargent greenleaf type. You can't spin the dial and it doesn't turn smooth enough to stop as I would like it on the proper numbers. Maybe it will get better with age, but at this point it gets real frustrating.
Two words: Liberty Safe. Find out where the safe is made. It may have an American sounding brand name, but is it imported from China? It matters.