Choosing a 6.5 bullet for NA med-lg game


New member
I hunt mostly PA with rifle. Currently white tail and black bear overlap and I would like to make a solid choice for both. Chances at bear are unlikely, but, I dont want to let one walk because im under-gunned either. Shooting a 6.5 creed. Leaning toward Sierra GK 140gr. I have used their 165 GK in my 30-06 with great success. The one exception was a neck shot at 50yds on a BB. I got pass through and tremendous blood, but no BB after tracking about 6 miles. It was my 1st BB and I know I made the critical mistake of not taking a 2nd shot. I will have better knowledge next time.
"...white tail and black bear..." Both Bambi and Yogi need(?) the same bullet. Use the one that gives you the best accuracy. That is not related to the cost of 'em either. A Speer will work as well as a No$ler.
"...tracking about 6 miles..." You either passed the dead bear or the bullet did not hit the jugular. It's also why necks shots are unreliable.
I would imagine that the 140 gr. Nosler Partition would do quite nicely. Might be a tad much for deer but I'd sure want the penetration on a bear. If Nosler makes a the Accubond in 140 gr. that might also be an option. I've seen several elk taken with 160 gr. ABs from 7MM Rem. Mag. and one elk with the 165 gr. 30 caliber as well. I have shot a 6.5 anything since 1975 and that was a 6.5x54 M/S that was stolen from my truck in Elko Nevada. It sure was one hell of a deer killer with the 160 gr. Hornady round nose bullet. Not much faster than the 30-30 but would penetrate on a deer from gas pipe to appetite. Too bad that one is gone. Might have been a winner in the newer 6.5s if magazine length was appropriate.
Paul B.
I'm in the process of doing load development with some Cutting Edge bullets. Though i don't shoot the Manbun.
Monolith made in PA.
I'm experimenting with the ERRaptor and MTH.
Have powder charge, now need to play with seating depth for 280 Rem.
After that, i'll take them out to 600, 800, 1,000 yards and check for accuracy.
Maybe some wet phone books are in order too.
"...tracking about 6 miles..." You either passed the dead bear or the bullet did not hit the jugular. It's also why necks shots are unreliable"

Wish I had this information prior. Hit it broad side in neck. Dropped like a ton of bricks and kicked, i thought it was done. I could have pumped 1-2 more shots right through the rib cage easily. When he got up he took a stumble and face planted. Then out of view. I gave it 30 mins, got down and started tracking. Up and down the mountains in the snow for about 2 miles. Lost light. Went back next morn at light with 2 more sets of eyes, walked another 3-4 miles from that point. Hope I get another chance.