Choke for bismuth?


New member
I'm using bismuth this fall on puddle ducks. (mallards,blacks,woodys,teals) and I have used IC for choke in the past with steel but was wondering if I should move up to modified for the bismuth. The gun is an Ithaca 37 2 3/4" chamber and 26" vent rib. I have skeet 2, IC, and mod tubes. What would you do?

Great shotgun, Moe, one of the classics.

Instead of pontificating on how X choke is just the ticket, as revealed to me by the Voice of the Almighty from a Burning Bush, let me say the best way to find out is to take some bismuth shells and shoot some patterns. Then, you'll know exactly what you need in the bbl for the shooting you do.

There's some old threads about patterning if you need a little guidance, or ask here and the guys will help. Great BB that way....

And, when you pattern, how about posting the results? Thanks...
Thanks Dave. My problem is I don't know how dense the patern should be. Or just how far my shots last year were(last year was my first year doing ducks) All my life I have been a rabbit/grouse hunter and used a wide choke. This long shot and leed thing is new to me but I am getting better on the skeet and trap for practice. Shood the pattern be a supper plate in size or bigger X yards? I don't know. I guess I am just asking what is done or accepted by my fellow wing shooters for a pattern size at what range. So Dave. No blame if I don't fill my limit, but what do you use for gun/barrel length/shot and "choke".

Thanks again
I'd pattern at 35 or 40 yards, and pick the choke that puts most of the pattern in 30 inches or so. If you grid off the paper in inch squares, one pellet in every two sq inches would be marginal,2 OK.

If I were ducking with lead shot, I'd probably use 6s for Teal, 4s for Mallards and other larger ducks,and a Modified or Improved Modified choke. Steel,probably BBs and a Modified.I've heard Bismuth shoots more like lead, so go on from there...

Hope this helps..
Thank you Dave. Now I have a place to start. The info is exactly what I need. I will post my results after some ramge time on Sunday.

Well guys I did some testing. I used the rifle sighting targets that are marked off in square inches to help with measuring density. Then I used some light crap loads from wallyworld. Note all shots were from 100 feet and off a rest.(ever notice how much more a shotgun knocks you from a rest) I started with the skeet 2 choke. Way too large a patern. I did realize the #7 shot of the crap load would be denser then the #4 of the bismuth but the overall size of the patern should be the same. So now I decide to jump by the IC tube and go to the mod tube. The shot was about a 20-30" circle. Next step go to bismuth. Same size circle but much thiner of course. About one pellet per square inch. However the patern was blotchy and a little left. I noticed my other shots a little left and since my friends paterns were not I think it is just me. The pellets were in three verticle lines slightly to the left like so:
: . :
. . : .
.: : :
.. . . .
. . :

Wierd eh?
Next test I got a friend who had been shooting excelent sub 1" groups off his rifle. Thanks John. His shot was a little less blotchy and a little high but not off in windage. Guys at the range said don't loose my head when the center of the pattern moves around. There argument was its a shotgun not a Remington 700. They say the patern is good for duck but the add I need my head examined for spending the $$$ on bismuth.

Thanks Dave and let me know what you think of the results.

Moe,every pattern is just a little different and about all we can do is shoot enough patterns to have an idea where it's shooting.

100 ft is 33 yards, a decent distance for patterning. Sounds like Modified would be the way to go.

The shooting left is not a major problem, assuming the shift is less than half a pattern at that distance. I am having a little trouble figuring out your diagram.

If the left thing bothers you, a little shim between the stock and receiver on the left side will simulate a cast off for the right handed,and should shift that pattern a little to the right.

As to the cost,I'd rather pay a bit more for effectiveness,steel doesn't quite reliably give a quick and clean death on big waterfowl.