CHLing in another car


I've been told that in Texas in Louisiana that you are required to show you license whenever approached by a policeman. Obviously this is when pulled over by one. HOWEVER. What if I am riding with a friend and he is pulled over and the officer is approaching him. I am not under arrest or approached or pulled over, I am just sitting quietly in the car. Do I need to get into it and show him my license and all that then? Or do I wait until he asks me anything or gets us both out of the car or such?

I have to you sit around all day thinking up these questions?

Man, in a year you have 711 posts!

No offence but you have to back off the coffee.
no these questions mostly come up while carrying on my person or carrying in the car (I drive a lot in my job) About a fourth of my job is time working in front of my computer. Then when I am off of work I spend a lot of time in front of the computer anyway. So I have occasion to ask these little detailed questions.
I would say that it's a matter of whether or not you want to play the game of "letter of the law vs. spirit of the law" with the officer who is pulling you over.
He may or may not be understanding :)

If he asks for your license, you probably should comply with the law since it's a fine line and at the very least you might have to explain to a judge why you thought you didn't have to show your CHL.
If he doesn't ask for your ID, license, or to search you, then I wouldn't offer it up. No sense in creating a situation for yourself, eh? That's just me, though :)
id say shut up till he starts talking to you
then tell him
you gotta inform if its an official, not casual, police contact.
Craig is correct

If you are not the driver, the officer may not even speak to you.

My mother almost got my dad arrested one night when we were on our way to a wake for my uncle. Obviously, she was edgy and upset. Dad got pulled over for an illegal left turn (made between 4-6p.m. when such a left turn was a no no). Mom WOULD NOT SHUT UP. Finally the officer basically had to tell her that either she would be quiet or they would both be heading to jail.

Which would have meant 14 year old me, too...

She shut up.

If an officer asks for your ID, AND IF YOU ARE CARRYING, it would be better to give him both than have him come back for a second round of conversation.

I guess it depends on what state you are in. Under Ohio law, you must inform the LEO (during a traffic stop) that you are a CCW permit holder and are carrying your weapon even if you are a passenger in a motor vehicle.

Must inform Law Enforcement when Carrying
Date updated: Aug 23, 2005 @ 10:10 pm

Ohio's Concealed Carry Law makes it Mandatory to notify a police officer that you are carrying a concealed handgun and have a license to do so.

This law will apply to you even if you are merely a passenger in a motor vehicle. The officer may or may not ask you to produce your license and may or may not ask to take possession of your firearm for the duration of the traffic stop. The law specifically prohibits the officer from keeping your firearm if you are released.

Vital: During a traffic stop you should never make any movement that could be considered reaching for or touching your firearm. Besides the common sense reasons, if you are charged with touching your firearm at any time during a traffic stop the charges are a felony.

Sec. 2923.126.
My mother almost got my dad arrested one night when we were on our way to a wake for my uncle. Obviously, she was edgy and upset. Dad got pulled over for an illegal left turn (made between 4-6p.m. when such a left turn was a no no). Mom WOULD NOT SHUT UP. Finally the officer basically had to tell her that either she would be quiet or they would both be heading to jail.
Good grief, Springmom! I've run into this a LOT of times, but I've never threatened to arrest them. What I do is ask the driver to step back to my car... alone. Once I've established that he has a valid license, etc., I tell him this: "I'll tell ya what, pal; I was going to cite ya, but if you have to put up with THAT every day, you don't need any more bad luck! Consider this one a freebe :D "
ROTFL, Capt. Charlie

Well, he did let dad go with a warning, although the intersection in question was very strictly enforced and it was rare for somebody not to get a ticket there. It was close to what passed for downtown in the late 1960's in Springfield Missouri and you actually could (gasp) get a TRAFFIC JAM there sometimes! If the intersection got jammed up with a wreck, it screwed up the entire downtown, and the police got sick of it, I think :-)

Suppose he could have just arrested my mom for running her mouth above the speed limit. :eek:

That was one time I actually told my mother to shut up and didn't get in trouble from my dad..... :p
