CHL/CCW Shooting Test


New member
came across this and thought it would help for those preparing to take the course:

CHL Shooting Test

#1 ALL Guns Are Loaded

#2 Don’t Point Gun At Anything You’re Not Willing To Destroy

#3 Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Your Sights Are Aligned On Target And You’re Willing To Shoot

#4 Identify Target AND What’s Behind It

Highest Possible Score: 250
Minimum Score: 175 (70%)
8 Ring or Better = 5 pts
7 Ring = 4 pts
All Other Shoots In Green = 3 pts

20 rounds @ 3 yards
20 rounds @ 7 yards
10 rounds @15 yards​

Stage 1: 5 Shots

(load 5 rds)
1 shot in 2 sec
1 shot in 2 sec
1 shot in 2 sec
1 shot in 2 sec
1 shot in 2 sec

Stage 2: 6 Shots
(load 6rds)
2 shots in 3 sec
2 shots in 3 sec
2 shots in 3 sec

Stage 3: 4 Shots
(load 4rds)
2 shots in 3 sec
2 shots in 3 sec

Stage 4: 5 Shots
(load 5rds)
All 5 shots in 10 sec

Stage 1: 5 Shots

(load 5 rds)
All 5 shots in 10 sec

Stage 2: 5 Shots
(load 2rds)
2 shots in 4 sec
(load 3rds)
3 shots in 6 sec

Stage 3: 5 Shots
(load 5 rds)
All 5 in 15 secs

Stage 4: 5 Shots
(load 5 rds)
All 5 in 15 secs

Stage 1: 5 Shots
(load 2 rds)
2 Shots in 6 sec
(load 3 rds)
3 Shots in 9 sec

Stage 2: 5 Shots
(load 5 rds)
5 Shots in 15 sec

Tip: Focus on Front Sight and Practice Good Trigger Control


NOTE: The course/test in your area may differ. This is from ONE particular school in TEXAS and not a nationwide standard. It is just to help anyone preparing to take their test to give them an idea of what to work on
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ah yes I should probably edit that. It is for Texas (well at least one class... others probably differ too). Just thought I'd share what I came across. I'm still preparing to take the training course myself.