Chip/crack in muzzle of new 686?

Alright, how about this little thing I noticed? I just noticed this little pin sticking out from the side of the barrel by the ejector rod. My finger catches on it easily and I’m not sure any of my other S&W revolvers had this pin sticking out this far? Not sure if this is something I should try hammering back in with my rubber mallet or not?
Can't speak to the muzzle but that pin is there to hold the spring thing in place that holds the ejector rod tight in the barrel lug when the cylinder is closed. My recent purchase S&W 610 has that same pin and sticks out a little too.
Doesn't look like a chip or crack to me. Rather, something plastic rubbed off on the muzzle. Shoot it.
My thoughts as well...I had a M57 (.41 Mag), 40+ years ago with chip right out of the crown, fairly deep, but the gun shot beautifully....accuracy with those 30+ year old eyes, was down in the 1" at 25 yds range...but I called S&W and, living less than 30 miles from the factory, they did a barrel swap right at the service desk while I waited. The original was 8-3/8" and I had them put a 6" on it with no argument...this one shot as well and I still have it. Were I you, I'd call S&W, explain in a civil tone, my concerns and I bet they'll send you a shipping label. YMMv, but I doubt it. Rod
@Testedtwice: As the others have said, it looks like some kind of paint, glue or plastic. You've probably done this, but I would try removing it with a solvent like acetone or lacquer thinner.

And that pin does stick out quite a bit. I would try gently tapping it back in with a brass or nylon punch, until it protrudes an equal distance on both sides.
It's not into rifling/lands--so nothing to worry about IMO. If you bought it brand new as investment and intend to leave it NIB and flip it--then yeah, if it doesn't come off maybe raise a fuss, but good luck with that.;)