Chineses SAS 12 Box fed


I have a Chinese box fed semi-auto that I'd like to take to the club. One of their rules is that the action must always be shown open except on the firing line, a rule shared by all clubs I know of.

This shotgun doesn't have any way to hold the bolt back to show that it's unloaded.

Do any of you have an idea what I can use for an empty chamber indicator on this thing?
An empty hull or a wood dowel.

How is the plastic furniture? I was just about to buy think it was all wood when I read it was all plastic. I got a bit turned off...
Even if you had a block holding the action open other shooters may feel uncomfortable

with someone trying to remove a action block and load the gun.

You want to consider getting a better gun.

Also many ranges have barrel length restrictions, anything under 26 inches

is not permitted.

I shoot at a public range, casual trap, if some one is shooting a gun of that type I

always move as far down the line as I can.
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Shorter barrels

About all the shorter tactical shotguns are really only good for amusement on a trap range. A little better for skeet, but barely.

Quite a few ranges will either not let you use it, or let you shoot a round or two by yourself.

Wrong tool for the job at hand.
An empty hull or a wood dowel.

How is the plastic furniture? I was just about to buy think it was all wood when I read it was all plastic. I got a bit turned off...

I'd go with wild cat, I think a dowel rod sticking thru the port would be sufficient, I'd ask the club if that would be good enough.

Almost bought one of these my self till I found out about the plastic (wood look-a-like)
I've since seen a few with cracked forearms.

Prices on these are really cheap.. but IIRC the mags are only 3 rounds, promise of high capacity mags has not materialized yet.

If I had one I'd want to chop the barrel and add different furniture, but that's just me.
I feel your pain.

I have a special dark place in my heart for folks that dream up, over thought, hard to comply with and , yes, Asinine rules for other people.

I once found myself at an unfamiliar trap and skeet club, (on vacation) I paid for 3 rounds of practice trap. I unshipped my AK look a like, Saiga 20 ga. And Placed it in the rack along side all the pretty Browning o/u's. and 1100's I was immediately accosted and informed that ALL actions must be open to show safe.

I placed an empty 5 round magazine in and locked the slide back. (empty magazine must be in place to engage the last round hold open pin) This caused an immediate attack of apoplexy among all present. I was told to remove the offensive weapon from the range. (yes, it was black and the wrong gage)

Rather than starting a shouting match, I walked back to my trailer and unshipped my Ljutic space gun. I opened the bolt and put it in the rack. It got real quiet for a while, until I asked that all the over and unders have the actions opened to "show safe"...

Needless to say, after a short, sharp, discussion, I got my refund and was shown the gate.

There is never a good reason to be an asshat, yet there are people that seem to get some perverse thrill out of embarrassing or accosting other people that they consider beneath their station.

Sadly, you will never change their mind or the rules. If you have few options for places to shoot, I would suggest a change of guns or a 10 inch long, brightly colored, 3/4 inch wooden dowell.

Sorry for the rant, but after 30 years in the military, I don't suffer fools kindly.

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I don't see WHAT type of club and firing line - is this a trap club or are we talking about a handgun club and maybe a three gun scenario?

Most trap/skeet clubs do not allow certain types of guns, such as the one you mention.
The OP never did say what type of "club", public or private.

Each club have their own rules as to type of gun and barrel length.

No matter how you look at it you are a guest and have to follow their rules.