Chinese type 63 chest rig


New member
This rig was part of the package deal when I bought my SKS a week ago today. For those of y'all that use them, how do you set them up? I was experimenting this evening and I can get 20 10-round stripper clips in the five pouches in the middle and 30 loose rounds in each pouch on the ends.


I don't have an SKS, but I do have a Chinese chest rig for AK. I don't really have a "use", but it's fun to hang on a peg and believe that I could grab it and run. But I don't really run so good........!!?? Anyhow, down that line of thought, I have ammo (in mags) in the 3 central pouches that are intended for same. In the two medium size pouches, I can carry a 20 rds of boxed ammo, 1 apiece. There are also two small pouches, that appear "rubberized?". In one I put a cleaning kit and the other takes a Chicom oil bottle. I also clipped a foldable pouch to one of the straps, on the premise I could stash empty or partial mags or whatever. Fun, but all gun shop commando.

BTW, I think the end pouches on your rig, and the medium pouches on mine, were intended for Chicom. potatoe masher type stick grenades, carried head in the pouch and stick up. And I've also thought about an SKS rig to carry Garand clips.....travesty I know, but cheap.