Chinese 870 knock-off opinions?


New member
Does anyone have any direct (shooting) experience with the Norinco 870 knock-offs? My local gun shop has one with the 8 round mag tube, ghost rings, synthetic stock, steel receiver (!), etc., for $200. Price is great, but I'm always a bit frightened of the 'get what you pay for' theory.

Then again, it is amazing what you can do with slave labor these days.

Dave? ;)


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein

The design is excellent, after all, they stole from the best.

But, it's produced by the largest dictatorship left on Earth, by slave labor, and the "People" of the People's Republic of Chine better not get caught with one.

Do the world a favor and buy something made elsewhere. Also, any ideas on what warranty work would mean?
Dictatorship? But the Chinese are our friends, just ask my hero AlGore! (now how do I make the "pukin' smiley"...)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wakal:

Dictatorship? But the Chinese are our friends, just ask my hero AlGore! (now how do I make the "pukin' smiley"...)

And your buddy GWB and your buddies in the GOP Congress...seems like everybody's a buddy to China these days.

Oh yeah, Go Pat Go.
One of my cop buddies has one. It works fine and his Remington 870 Surefire flashlight forend fitted it properly.

The problem with it, and other Red Chinese goods, is that no matter how much you wash it, you can't get the blood off of it. If you don't mind supporting commies who drag women off for forced late-term abortions, run over peaceful demonstrators with tanks, and have missles aimed at our kids, then they're a great deal. As for me, I'll support American workers at Remington.

The Chinese are our most dangerous enemy in the world(outside of the US), but:

Not every product made in China is made by
Slave Labour. Their programme of using prisoners for manufacturing isn't that huge.

Chinese citizens do have access to personal firearms and gun stores. Many probably own this 870 clone. Thousands more have there own little SKS carbines.

The Chinese aren't exactly Communist anymore. It's now easier to start and run a business in China than in the US. Less regulations and less taxes.

It doesn't matter where you get a weapon, so long as you get one. You want a NORINCO 12 bore, go get one.

Hey, I'm not saying move there, but you don't need to feel guilty arming youself with a NORINCO product.

[This message has been edited by Shin-Tao (edited May 26, 2000).]
come on if it's from china they can keep it and their permanant trade relations with their commi friend clit-on..I ain't paying someone to kick me in the ass!!!!!!! <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wakal:

Does anyone have any direct (shooting) experience with the Norinco 870 knock-offs? My local gun shop has one with the 8 round mag tube, ghost rings, synthetic stock, steel receiver (!), etc., for $200. Price is great, but I'm always a bit frightened of the 'get what you pay for' theory.

Then again, it is amazing what you can do with slave labor these days.

There is a reveiw in this months issue of Guns and Ammo. That gun looks pretty cool, I wouldnt mind getting one.

[This message has been edited by MrBlonde (edited May 27, 2000).]
Not too keen on Remington...after all, they consider a top-folding stock too dangerous for "civilians" to well as their deadly "police model" 870. Don't forget that horrible heavy-barreled 700 "police" that is just too much bolt-action rifle for a mere civilian to have...

Ignorant wretches.

Darn nice shotguns and rifles, though. Sigh.

Move on to the Mossberg 590 instead, I think. Thanks for the advice, everyone.

Read my post on this thread. We all buy firearms from the various socialist European countries and don't even think about it. I say arm youself anyway you can.
Shin, maybe you do, but.....

All of the firearms here at Casa McC were made in the USA, and that's a fair to middlin' number.

I decided to go this way some years back, selling off a ChiCom SKS and a sweet little French SXS of superb workmanship. It's beena coupla decades since I owned a foreign handgun and the last one was either Spanish or German, Llama or Walther.

I am torn between the two sides here, but the practical side of me says to go where the money's right. IF the Chicom scattergun is good, then I say grab one. You can always 'upgrade' later. My question is about something that I've seen that is similar - althought it looks to be a knock-off of what I concider to be a better shotgun then a M870... A model 37 Ithaca!

I'm actually asking this for a friend. He spied one of these on the shelf, and the price is WAY right - $130.00. So, if the Chicoms are making knockoff's of a M870, and a M37, AND they're decent, then why not?

I appreciate all info that you can give me on the 'quality' of these pieces. Not interested in the political arguments. Thanks in advance.

Unkel Gilbey
FWIW - I've seen decent condition used Remington 870's all over for around $200.

So with the ability to pick up a US made, high quality scattergun, at virtually the same price as one that was made by a country that subjugates (sic) its people......why not get the "REAL" 870?!?!

(Who as the founding member and Pres. of Cheap Shooting Bast***s of America says get the Remington 870! - You will never be sorry of your choice, only that you didn't make it sooner.)


It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000

[This message has been edited by Rob62 (edited June 01, 2000).]
Sorry, I'll have to go with the BUY from USA first on this one. Made that decision this weekend at the gun show.

Bought a Rem 870 Magnum Express, mag extension tube, all black, iron sights on the barrel. Cant wait to go shoot it.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

Civilian can purchase the 700PSS and 700P, along with 870 Police Magnums. Remington only sells them only to Remington LE distributors. The LE Distributors can sell to dealers who sell to you. :) old man runs a gun shop in Minnesota. His distributors demand paperwork on agency letterhead to sell any of Remington's 'Police' weapons.

Please let me know which distributors you would recommend.

For what it is worth, I discovered that military officers and NCO's count as "Law Enforcement Officers" by the strict definition of the BATF. The hard part is the LOD determination, which takes a good supervisor.
