Dear Lavan,
I honestly believe that you should take Jim F's warning most seriously and that you are very wrong to be poaking fun at him;
of couse that is only my opinion, there could be a 40% chance of my being wrong because I dont possess all the info.
Do you remember back in oct.99 when the
Communist Chinese threated to nuke the USA if
we interfered with the susposed take over of Tiwain by Red China?
I missed how that problem was resolved;
that is, to ask if it ever was resolved.
Do you think Comrade Klintinov might have offered Red CHina permaninate normalized most favored nation trade status
so that Red China would back down in Tiwain?
I dont know what happened, as I said above, but once we give the Red Chinese
permanent ,normalized ,most favored nation
trading status then just what will we do or give them the next time China starts acting up and steps out of line?
This reminds me of what england & europe did with Hitler in WW2.
They tried to buy off Hitler and Hitler took everything that they gave him and keept
right on going after them until all of Europe and England were engaged and then the USA got pulled into it through our various international defense pacts and well ,the
rest is history.
Why am I worried that those who refuse to attend to the lessons of history are bound to repeat the same mistakes over again?
I see the USA in the same weak position
the the USA was back in 1939, when the US had
not paid attention to its military supplies and forces and had neither trained fighting men or planes , tanks ,guns, ammo,or ships
suficcient to deter Hitler or the Japaneese.
I see Comrade Klintonov close down are armed forces bases and discharge our trained soldiers and not replace them with new troops and not reopen the mothballed bases.
I see our tommahawk and cruise missles shot off at Bagdad and Kovoso and none replaced.
I see the US arsenel's 90 % empty, and the 10 % remaining being not in working order
or it too would have been used up in Kosovo.
I see Comrade Klintonov treating the USA
military like a 1985 Chevy Junker, just driving the crap out of it until it gets so very bad as to require complete replacement
instead of repairing and manitaining it so that it might remain usable in case of dire need.
And when the whipped horse finally dies,
I see Comrade Klintinov walking away laughing
at us in Nov 2000, knowing he left us with a military in nearly complete colapse.
And I see Red China sensing our weakness
and awaiting the best moment to strike.
And I pray to God that I am full of
manure about all of this and at the same time I am scared to death that I am right.
Now I just read today that Comrade Klintonov,
has de-activated all the USA necular arms and signed a treaty to Unilateral Necular Disarmament.
This is an already done thing,
the US nukes have had their uranium and plutonium removed and the launch programs
deleated from the launch computers.
Before this, Comrade Klintonov had given orders to launch upon necular detonation on US soil downgrading firing orders from launch upon confirmed detection of incoming nukes.
And to add the icing on the cake, Comrade Klintonov is doing his damedest to insure that the American people--the minuteman of
history-- the US militia to which all Americans belong and our last and most desperate line of defense --That This too
be disarmed.
And at this he has somewhat failed and has been somewhat slowed down, thanks to the diligence of the true American Patriots in the NRA,GOA,Citizens of America ,RKBA,JPFO
TFL,Tynary Response Team.
The Red Chinese are in an excellent position to invade the USA, right through the gulf coast,Liousiana,FLA and up the Missippi
Valley with another thrust comming from the Red Chinese base in Calif. where again, as
many law abiding americans have been disarmed
by Comrade Klintonovs gun grabbers as possible.
Does anyone remember the movie "RED DAWN"
It is a good plan for the invasion of
And I sincerely hope that true American patriots do not have to fight the likes of
Jack Booted Thugs to retain the weapons of self defense which may be later required to repel the Red Chinese invasion and keep our nation free.
Anybody know where I can learn to speak Chinese??