I would say that the point is... in order to be an independent country you must have a industrial base not a paper tracking network. We are building factories in other countries to counteract punishing regulations that our government has placed upon the business owners, in so doing we are becoming interdependent. Our dependence upon foreign oil is causing us to no longer be able to sustain ourselves. We keep out sourcing ourselves. We may one day find ourselves as a highly educated country that is physically unable to stand on our own feet. The military is currently buying ammo from other countries, as we don't produce enough domestically. As a country we need to have brains and brawn. Brains alone or brawn is doomed to failure.
Years ago when I was in the service we were debriefed on China. We were told that they want to have a Blue Navy, a navy able to control their sphere of influence. We are financing them indirectly by moving jobs over there. We currently send most of our scrap metal to them, as it is cheaper for us to have them recycle it and produce products. Is it possible that they syphon off some to build up their armed services? Before WWII we were sending Germany scrap metal to help rebuild their country. Their government used a lot of that metal to build panzer's... That Blue Navy was supposed to be ready by 2015, looks like it will be as well. I don't think they want to invade us. They will be able to tell us to stay out of Asian affairs with great authority
The US is a weakening "Super Power". China is modernizing at a incredible rate. It is easy to underestimate a potential opponent. We could find ourselves in another cold war that we can't sustain. We out produced the Soviet Union and won. China may very well out produce us and we end up like the Russians. Once again, we will get what we deserve if we fail to understand that the world would love to see us fall flat on our faces.
We are the big boy on the block that many envy and want to see knocked down a couple of notches.
China said that they want and will be the "Middle Empire". A power that all countries must come to, or work through. We as a country are enabling this through our desire for cheap goods. The cost may be higher than many wish to believe.
We are well entertained by the fiddle playing. Don't worry it is ok , the barbarians will never arrive at the capitol or even get through the gates.
Freedom is free, sleep... as all is well...
What happened, how could this have happened, why did this happen? I wonder... :barf: