Chilean 7mm Mauser date


New member
I have a Model 1895 7mm Chilean Mauser that I can't find a date on. My 6.5X55 Swedish Mauser has the date right on the receiver ring but the 7mm does not. Where should I look to find a resource for dating this rifle? The Serial No. is E 9XXX if that helps. This is a matching numbers rifle without import markings. I'm wondering if this one is old enough that it falls into the C&R category.
If your Model 1895 Chilean Mauser is marked as manufactured by Loewe, it was made in 1895. If it is marked as manufactured by DWM, it was made between 1896 and 1901, when deliveries for the contract were completed. Loewe combined with several companies to form Deutsche Waffen und Munitionfabrik in early 1896.

Yes, it is a C&R.
Excellent!! It is stamped "Manufactura Loewe Berlin" so it does date to 1895 and is now confirmed as my oldest rifle. Funny how the Swedish Mauser (Model 1896) does not fall into the C&R category even though it's nearly identical in design, form and function. As I understand it, a firearm has to have been manufactured prior to 1 Jan. 1899 in order to qualify as C&R. So "The Swede" is not becuase of its 1905 DoM. My other C&R is a Model 1898 Krag-Jorgenson. It's neat to take these out to the range and when other guys come up I offer to let them put a few rounds downrange. Then I tell them that the rifle is older than both of us combined!
A weapon made before Jan. 1 1899 is an ANTIQUE, not a C&R. Your 1895 Loewe Chileno is an "antique" by BATF definition

A C&R is any weapon made 50 years prior to the current date, or, if less than 50 years old, appears on BATF's C&R list. Your Swede was made after Jan. 1, 1899, so it is a C&R by BATF definition.

So: This post is as of Jan. 4, 2012; Therefore a C&R (today) would be any gun made before Jan. 4, 1962.

Regarding BATF's list, there are some guns that were made less than 50 years ago that were placed on the list because individuals petitioned BATF to reclassify them due to their collectability or novelty. A good example would be all the Interarms Mauser Parabellums that were made from ca. 1969-1975. These were placed on the C&R list by BATF after someone petitioned to have them reclassified. They are C&Rs even though they are less than 50 years old.

To recap: C&R=any gun more than 50 years old OR on BATF's C&R list if less than 50 years old.

Antique=any gun made before Jan. 1, 1899.

One "Catch 22" about C&R status is that the gun must be in its original configuration (more or less) to qualify. For example, if your 1905 Swede had been sporterized with a nice rollover cheekpiece thumbhole stock and a Leupold scope, it would cease to be a C&R.