In all honesty, I am rarely dumbstruck by stupidity. I am sure that there is no bottom to the stupid barrel.
This is one time I am struck absolutely speechless after reading idiotic rationale like this:
"A group of teenagers believed they could get a free meal of Chinese takeout using a cellphone, a sheet, two bricks and all the intelligence and life experience that five adolescents can muster. It is true that lawbreaking was a certainty and broken bones a possibility in this harebrained scheme. But even those dark eventualities might have been spun into anecdotal gold (or a plot for "Party of Five"). But the worst thing happened. The worst thing that can always happen but rarely does, happened. They smashed the deliveryman's skull."
Where do you even start with thinking like this?!?!?!?
But for the centrifigal force of the bricks being swung in the bedsheet, this might have been the plot of a prime-time sitcom/teen drama or, better yet, some kind of family anecdotal tale of "remember when Johnny tried to rob that delivery guy with the bricks and the sheet? Remember that, that was so funny!"
Holy mother of Jesus. And her vote counts the same as mine.