Chicago Handgun Laws?!?!


I am looking for the chicago handgun laws, anyone know where I could find them at? or if anyone is familiar with them I just need the baiscs... and also what do you all think about them?
I used Google and came up with a wealth of information regarding current Chicago gun laws. You might try that.

From what I gather after reading the laws, Chicago is not a part of America. I advocate that you move to someplace that has a passing familiarity with the Constitution.
I was using yahoo (I should have known better), and came up with a whole bunch of info from like 2009 (before the new gun laws passed) and just news articles about how the gun laws changed, but I'll look on google thanks.
Just the title of this thread is hilarious enough. I would hate to actually read the fine print once I found all the laws against weapons in that communist locale.

Want Gun = Don't Live in Chicago
Basics of Chicago guns

You wait 1+ months to get your FOID. Then you have to take a CHP class. Oh, that's right, you have to go out of the city to take the class because such places are banned in Chicago. Then you have to go down in person to the office in Chicago to apply. More paperwork bull crap bla bla bla. Register your gun bla bla bla.

So now that you have your TWO permission slips you can own your gun. Ohhh but be careful. From what I've read your backyard and front porch aren't part of your house so can't have your gun there...

Don't forget Cook County has the classic assault weapons ban. Ten round magazines, scary features, all that mumbo jumbo garbage.

What do I think of them? It's a fricking joke. F Chicago, and F Cook County. Daley, Madigan, Madigan, Father Pfleger, all idiots.
From what I gather after reading the laws, Chicago is not a part of America. I advocate that you move to someplace that has a passing familiarity with the Constitution.

Well played, sir!

The politicians and lawmakers of Illinois in general, and Chicago in particular are among the most anti-gun in our nation. They misuse their positions of power to trample and deny our rights. They seem to think that the constitution is worth nothing more than the paper on which it was written and treat it as such. They use local crimes to further their agenda, proposing more and more restrictive gun laws - all of which inevitably fail to reduce crime, but which work well at restricting our personal liberties while ensuring more power and clout to those who wrote them. The whole system there is corrupt and shameful (Blagojevich? The Chicago Machine? Need I go on?).

"This town needs an enema!" - The Joker

Glad I left that state when I did.
New state gun laws/2A supported bills...

My state has a few new bills/2A supported political actions to have state laws in place to prevent local or county elected officals from passing or enacting strict anti-gun laws or city ordanances.
This may face legal issues like DC & Chicago but it's a great preventive measure.

As I post on forums, many times, if you own or use firearms/ammunition, JOIN THE NRA! Assoc memberships are only $10.00/year(no magazines but basic benefits) and your funds go towards NRA actions to stop or prevent anti-gun political wonks.

It's a small amount to help protect & maintain your 2A rights. :)

yes i live in Chicago or as my Dad calls it "sh**cago".

But, despite all the crap laws, i just bought my first handgun and am going to register it.

1.foid card - just got after 3 month wait! had before but needed to renew
2.class - you get an hour range time and class time with a certified instructor - sounds like fun to me. There is a place right around the corner that does security training too.
3.Chicago gun permit - huge form and costs $100.00/3yrs.
4. Registration of each gun - $15 one time fee for each

No. 3 is typical money making scam. I am supposed to register all my handguns in MI also with the state police, but i don't think there is a fee.

just go to and all the forms are there. Pain in the neck, but i can finally legally have a handgun!