Chicago A.I.M.M. Pictures


New member
Well, I finally got 'em posted. Here's the pics from the A.I.M.M. in Chicago. I found out after the rally that I missed a lot of the action. My husband was at the other end, (in the thick of things). Like I posted in another thread, the MMM members had some really bad manners. The hubby told me about what he had seen at his end. I wish he'd come and gotten me, I would have loved to have gotten that rude behavior on film! Oh well, here's what I did get pictures of. Chicago A.I.M.M.

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana
Thanks Blueyedog! I only wish that I didn't have to do battle with those darn Tripod pop-up windows just to see the pictures. :)

Monkeyleg, you look just fine, I don't care what they say. ;)

Thanks John/az2! I downloaded it, now if I can only figure out how to use it. ;)


Sending e-mails to Congress is almost useless.

They hardly ever get read.

Since most members of Congress are clueless;

Send handwritten letters instead!!!

Second Amendment Activist's Forum pix! I like the balloon one.

BTW, Monkeyleg, I'm reading your post, looking at the TFL picture, looking for some really OLD BALD guy..... :confused:
Do I have the right picture?
(I had to look at the caption to make sure) ;)
blueyedog, thank you for the pics. They are great and, like CindyH, I think the balloon pic really hits home. A good one for Oleg, I might add.
Thanks guys. The child in the balloon picture is my step-grandson. I think he'll be an actor some day. Tell him to show an emotion, and he'll do it for the camera!

Monkeyleg, you MUST be looking at the wrong picture! :)

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana
Blueyedog, I seldom look in the mirror, or allow myself to be photographed. And I have a picture in my head of myself that is twenty years old, so it's something of a shock to see myself as I actually am.

Anyway, that was a great event. It brought back memories of marching with Dr. King in 1968. It would be terrific to organize another similar event. Any ideas?
Monkeyleg, a bunch of us are meeting here in central Indiana to form a new RKBA group. We're talking about a rally in October since we didn't one together here in time for A.I.M.M. But that would be a long drive for you.

Hey, there's members from each state on TFL, maybe we could put on a RKBA rally in all 50 states. We need to remind people that the citizens run this country, not the politicians!

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana
I just got this e-mail from Stephanie Sailor, an organizer of the Chicago AIMM. I thought, you'd all be interested. :)

Ahoy, everyone. Stephanie Sailor, here, organizer of
the Chicago AIMM rally. I apologize for the late
update -- following the Many Misinformed Mothers
aftermath, I've still been swamped with work.

Anyway, here's the latest:
I am scheduled to appear on Q101's Mancow show
tomorrow -- Friday, May 19 -- 8:10am. We'll see
(hear) if they're serious about putting me on. Tune
into the show on Friday and keep your fingers crossed.

I was also asked to appear on NPR last Monday morning,
but they cancelled because they "couldn't find someone
to represent the other side." NO COMMENT!

Dr. Carol Low and I appeared on a top evening talk
show, Chicago Tonight, on Monday night. According to
MMM founder and media tramp Donna Dees-Thomases' PR101
kit from the web site, "DO NOT debate the other side."
There is a reason for that. A debate is
unpredictable; they can't control their message. And
well, they are wrong and will certainly lose.

Carol & I SLAUGHTERED the opponents. If you missed
it, you can download it and view via Real TV: There was also
a pre-taped clip of armed, informed, and
self-described "ready, willing, and disabled"
Christopher Morley. He was outstanding!

For those of you who couldn't make it, some of the
highlights included:

1) Pro-gunners were herded into a fenced-in area,
right next to the porta-potties. The media did cover
us, though most of it was biased.

2) A violent MMM man assaulted Megan McClellan, one of
our dear women. Sure, he hit her with a mere water
bottle, but ASSAULT is ASSAULT. The cop was ready to
arrest him but Megan asked for a public apology
instead. He apologized. I believe one of our AIMMers
caught it on tape.

3) We handed out cards to all the police in honor of
National Police Week, May 14-20, thanking them for
protecting us while we practiced free speech and
assembly in support of the 2nd Amendment. The cards
were a hit; the cops were on our side. EVERY cop I
talked to (on the sidelines) said we were right, the
MMMs were wrong. Over the past few weeks, I've
received an outpour of emails, phone calls, and radio
call-ins from dozens of cops who support us.

4) The violent Million Mom Marchers actually STOMPED
UPON and TORE UP the pink carnations Matt Beauchamp
handed to them. The carnations were a silent memorial
for women who'd been murdered by their partners --
women who might still be alive today if they'd had a
gun to defend themselves. Each carnation had a tag
with the woman's name, age of death, and hometown. "A
gun is used defensively over 2.5 million times a
year," read the tag.

5) Phil the Clown handed out balloons that read,
"Mommy, if 911 doesn't come, how will you protect me?"
Kids snatched 'em up, mothers smiled, things went
smoothly until ...time passed and the mommies read the
balloons. Then things got hostile. Vicious MMMs
lunged at our people, they popped the balloons, and
the poor kiddies cried. I, too, would cry if my mommy
wouldn't protect me.

IN SUMMARY, despite the media bias, despite the
violence from the MMMers, the rally was great! THANK
YOU to everyone who appeared on Sunday. We had people
from all over -- Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa,
Wisconsin... THANK YOU, everyone, for your support.

WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? There has been big talk of
organizing a Midwestern U.S. pro-gun group (name not
yet chosen). It would be an all-encompassing
organization, that would target (though not limited
to) women, disabled, elderly, people from diverse
races, and yes...even police officers, and many other
unnoticed groups of gun rights activists.

These groups are gun-owners and/or supporters of the
2nd Amendment that RARELY, IF EVER get recognized by
the media. Any gun-rights activist is automatically
categorized as a member of the NRA. Being a member of
the NRA is fine and dandy -- that' not the issue. I
have problems with the media's demonization of the NRA
and thus aligning all pro-gunners with the NRA. It's
time to shatter that image.

A core group of us are still working on the details of
our group. We may link up with an existing gun
organization or may simply create a brand-new
organization altogether. Stay tuned for future
details. I've got all of you on my email list.

THE MEDIA. If you saw a biased article or show, WRITE
we got so much coverage -- though most of it was
biased, at least there was some coverage. Also, if
you saw good coverage, let them know. Drop 'em a

However, even if the media is WRONG, even if you are
highly frustrated (believe me, I know), be nice and
polite. We want them on our side. This approach has
been working -- I've received many emails from SAS &
others from across the country confirming such. BE

You can check out our other media appearances here:

PHOTOS. Pictures and rally highlights will be posted
on the Libertarian Party of Chicago web site within a
few days. Keep checking the home page web site at:

If any of you from the rally have extra pictures or
video, please send them my way: Stephanie Sailor,
Libertarian Party of Chicago, 401 N. Franklin 3E,
Chicago, IL 60610. Digital pics can be sent to me at
this email address: Note: If you
send me video or hard copy pics, I can't return them
to you, but I will add them to our LPC archives.

FINALLY, thank you again to everyone who appeared at
the rally. I met some great people on Sunday and
appreciate you traveling to anti-gun crime-filled
Chicago to express your support for the Second
Amendment. You made our rally a success. I can't
wait for our next gathering!

In liberty,
Stephanie Sailor
Libertarian Party of Chicago
Second Amendment Sister
I saw all those baloons floating up into the sky. I was wondering how so many kids could be so careless as to lose a precious balloon. ;) It looks like the antis have no problem littering too! I bet the MMM area had a ton more garbage to pick up than our side.
I loved the Police Officer that was on our side that kept yelling "Trigger locks for gang bangers!"

Still cracks me up.
There is a national organization that has come into existence to oppose Tyranny of any kind. Go to for info.

It has very strict requirements. You have to belong to the Human Race, Be female or male, age 1-100, own a gun or not and most importantly be outraged at what is being done to our rights under the Constitution and BofR's. There are no membership cards and no dues. Check it out. CIB

I still have the photos I took sitting on a roll in my living room. Need to finish that second roll of film first.