Chiappa lever action 12g


New member
Hello all. Wondering if any one has a chiappa lever action, I have one and was looking to fit a jellyhead turkey choke, I'm in Australia so no turkeys but millions upon millions of rabbits, looking to extend kill range of my gun as much as possible, if any one has one can they recommend a choke, chiappa Italian replica of the old Winchester lever gun, no semi's or pumps in aus without hard to get permits, but the lever gun falls in a loop hole I suppose. 7 shot lever action on par speed wise with a pump action.
Ok if no one got chiappa lever action, has any one used 12g jellyhead chokes on another breed of shot gun and if so are they worth while investing in? Do they increase range? Do the tighten groups? Are they safe in reguards to increasing pressure in barrel/chamber
I have one of the Chiappa lever shotguns in the shop now for cowboy action work. While it has no choke, nor is it threaded, the barrel is plenty thick enough.
However, this is the crappiest gun I've seen in a long time. The Chinese copy is better, which is sad to have to say.
Here in aus we had complete opposite three friends purchased the short barrel Chinese lever 12g two went back for repairs and the other was recalled, worth $800 odd dollars, so I bought chiappa 28" worth $1600 au, with three removable chokes, 5 shot tube mag one in carrier one chamber makes 7 shot, I've now fired in excess of 1000 rounds through mine, slugs, clay shot, buck shot, sg..etc has performed flawlessly. Even the finishes between chiappa and china render them on complete different levels, not sure what happened to the one your got if it worse than the recalled Chinese version.
(Dremel) they get rifled too don't worry, last spotlight bunny bust was two shotguns on the back with a spot lighter, two hrs later and uncountable rounds ended up with 250+ motionless wabbits, just chasing chokes to extend that range but also for my daytime ferreting hunts, one ferret down a burrow, one shotgun ontop of the burrow, great fun, often come out of holes air born if ferret behind them. Spend a bit of time sniping with the 17hmr, but not as action packed as the 12g chaos!
If this is the crapiest gun you've seen in a while I've gotta visit your shop!!!
Photo doesn't do justice, nicely grained walnut stock, colour case hardened, flawless blueing, any how show me a Chinese one that's better than this Italian made chiappa.
I'm the one who it was Crappy. Oh, it looks pretty, it just doesn't work. It didn't feed from the lifter, and the trigger binds when trying to fire it. And, it only extracts some of the time.
I'll take an ugly gun that works over a pretty one that doesn't every day.
Fair enough you got a dud. Aussie released Chinese models recalled, chiappa more than double the price outselling them, and yours is the only bad review Ive heard,not doubting you, just hope mine doesn't follow suit! Is yours new or second hand?