Cheering for Louisiana...and I don't live there!

Blue Jays

New member
This was in the print Wall Street Journal today. Wish I could provide a link to this good news to fellow TFLers, but for some reason it was only available in hardcopy:

"Louisiana Passes a Bill to Prevent Gun Lawsuits"

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) Lousiana lawmakers thwarted New Orlean's first-in-the-nation lawsuit that claims gun makers should be held liable for the cost of gun-related violence and accidental shootings.

A bill preventing Louisiana cities from suing the gun industry was passed by the state Senate without a dissenting vote Wednesday. It has already passed the House, and Governor Mike Foster said he will sign it "as soon as it hits my desk."

"The problem with all the national gun legislation is that it won't stop violence," Mr. Foster said. "The way to stop violence is to put people in jail who use guns. There's not enough prosecution."

The measure has a retroactive clause nullifying the suit filed in the fall by New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial, who claimed that gun makers should be held responsible for makng a product without adequate safety devices.

Mr. Morial said the City will proceed with its lawsuit and challenge the law in court.

Separately, Boston became the latest city to file litigation against the gun industry. The suit, filed against 31 gun makers, seeks more than $100 million in damages for police, fire, and medical expenses caused by gun violence, as well as for increased security costs and declines in real-estate values.


I'm up in the Northeast and I'm seriously thinking about calling down to Louisiana to say, "Good thinking and job well done!"

~ Blue Jays ~
I knew it...Morial is smokin' crack! He will blow tons of tax monies for his ego and facist agenda.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Smoking crack and probably aiming for the guvnahship, senahtaah or congritsman. If nothing else, being preempted by the State creates a major hurdle for New Orlean's City Attorney's Office. What a waste of taxpayer money which could spend it on playgrounds for the children.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
It was a relief to see this bill finally get through the legislature. Governor Foster, who is very pro-gun, has supported this measure from its inception. In addition, other pending legislation that he supports will effectively double the prison time of anyone convicted of any violent crime involving firearms.
While I would love to see Mayor Morial eat the legal fees for this aborted lawsuit, it's a private group of lawyers that are footing the bill for this litigation. In exchange for 20% of any settlement or 30% of any award if the case actually goes to trial.
Morial touted the "no cost" to the city factor heavily at the outset. While the city may not have to pay any legal fees, the lawsuit caused the cancellation of a series of S.H.O.T. shows scheduled to be held in N.O. over the next decade. Conservative estimates of economic losses to the city were figured to be around $145 million.
Morial is a young man with political ambitions. Unfortunately (for him), his political future is at an impasse. He is presently serving his second, and final, term as mayor. He cannot run again. He doesn't have a snowflake's chance in hell of ever becoming governor, and while he and the present governor are publically polite to each other, the chance of Morial getting a job in Foster's administration is nonexistent. All the other offices he could conceivably hold are currently occupied by political allies of his. So he doesn't really appear to have much on the horizon. Too bad! (sigh)
Karanas, you probably are aware of this, but for those readers unfamiliar with the legal system, let me clearify the apparently 'charitable' legal fee situation in New Orleans.

These arrangements are referred to as 'contingency fees', and it is a very common way of compensating attorneys. If the bozo mayor tried to make it sound as though he had cut some super deal for his constituents, then this is just another lie. As a matter of fact, many people believe this is a major problem in our country. There is really no downside for the bozo mayor and his city, except for the time they spend. These unethical attorneys are simply rolling craps - they hope to get the gun manufacturers to blink first, and then they get their cut. In essence, this is extortion.

The English Rule, aka 'loser pays', would alleviate some of this foolishness by making the loser in a lawsuit pay the winner's legal costs. We need it badly, IMHO. Here's some information on tort reform: .
Governor Foster and his Administration have the sense to know that this type of useless, wasteful litigation will not decrease the crime rate nor stop any illegal purchases of guns. I hope more state legislatures will follow LA. Their goal of putting gun manufacturers out of business is not as feasible as it seems. The gun companies do not have as deep pockets ($$$) as the tobacco companies.
gov. barnes , here in GA. ,also signed legislation preventing cities from filing suit against gun manufacturers.i agree ,if the loser had to pay, there would be a lot less suits long as the lawyers control congress, i wonder if it can be changed?
will people ever learn that freedom and responsibility go hand in hand?their analogues are repression and anarchy.