Checking out the fine people at the Brady Campaign


New member
Every so often I cruise the Brady Campaign website to see what the other half is up to and found this pretty amusing.

If you'll notice about a quarter of the way down the page on the right, the Brady group is holding a fund raiser in L.A. with none other than Sylvester Stallone who is pictured on their website. Digging deeper, it also appears that LA Sheriff Baca will be present as well.

I know that this is mostly old news, but I had to wonder (and laugh) if the Brady Bunch actually knows that Sly Stallone applied for a CCW permit and that Sheriff Baca has been alleged to give CCW permits to hollywood stars while denying the common citizen. If I'm not mistaken, was Baca summoned to court over this very issue?

Among various websites...

The hypocrisy of the Brady group and the misinformation they continue to put forth never fails to amaze me. It also encourages me to keep my friends close and enemies closer.
It's called 'hypocrisy" or “elitism”. Don’t expect the rich and famous to live by the same rules as ‘great, unwashed masses’!
The Brady Bunch and the Hollywood types are the ultimate in hypocrites.

While they gleefully make tens of millions of dollars waving the ultimate in deadly weapons wildly about the silver screen, in their off hours, they attempt to deprive the peasantry of their arms.

Probably the best example was Hanoi Jane Fonda when she was still married to radical Tom Hayden.
They were VERY anti-gun and spoke out about it at every chance.

One night the LAPD radio put out a call for an intruder on the Fonda property, and the press immediately raced to the house.
They found Tom and Jane brandishing pistols while the police searched the property.

One less than properly respectful reporter asked Jane about how appropriate it was for her to be waving a gat around considering her view on private gun ownership.
Ms Fonda replied angrily,
"THAT'S for OTHER people. Not US".
These Hollywierd types have always been hypocrites. The actor James Mason was a conscientious objector in WWII but he had no trouble playing
Rommel in "The Desert Fox" or playing Captain Nemo who goes around killing
people. I'm sure it's been done already, but we need an easily accesible data
base of Hollywierd types and other entertainers who are anti-gun so we can
boycott them.
I boycott them all. The most amazing thing about the motion picture industry is the fact that it exists. The typical product generated by this industry is crap. How do they stay in business?
brady bunch jackholes did anyone see the part of the site for microprinting in Cali.

There could be a refusal to sell guns to Cali (including law enforcement) by manufactures.

I belive Barret already did this when they banned th 50cal.
I'll say it again, these leftie loons just don't appear to be very intelligent people IMHO.

Btw, DeFaris, that IS a true story about Jane Fonda. The policeman who asked them about their handgun possession said they said, in so many terms, "oh those laws don't apply to us, we are allowed to protect ourselves". Or something to that effect. (The policeman did challenge them on their possession of handguns though, I remember that.)

I think the reporter got her statement about what Fonda said after talking to the policeman IIRC. So, I think their statements are on an official record?

Like I said, leftie loons just don't appear to be that smart IMHO.

Another classic is Sen. Feinstein having a concealed carry permit when she felt threatened by a Muslim who had been harrassing her. I can't remember the type of harrassment but she did have a concealed carry permit and did carry a revolver IIRC.

When challenged on this, Feinstein said, in so many words: "Oh, I turned my permit in once the threat no longer existed".

That was supposed to explain her hyprocritical position on the total prohibition of private firearms ownership. :confused:

And this is a U.S. Senator for Godsakes!!:eek:

I heard Senator Boxer talking to a reporter on TV yesterday about impeaching Cheney. I honestly felt sorry for her. She just plain isn't that smart. Where I work, the people on the other side of the table would absolutely "chew her up and spit her out" without even batting an eye. It really was sad.

I mean, they "chew me up and spit me out" also but at least they bat an eye while they're doing that to me!:D
I learned long ago that the Brady Campaign is staffed by liars. Most recently, they claimed that the FOP favored renewal of the AWB. The last time I checked the FOP website, they had no position. The Brady bunch also claimed that FOP wanted the Tihart Amendment repealed. The facts are that FOP strongly opposed repeal of the Tihart Amendment since it did not interfere with the ability of police, in their official capacity, to obtain firearms trace data. All it did was to keep Bloomberg's reprehensible vultures from getting it. And, FOP was afraid that Bloomberg's lawyers would use the trace data in ways that would compromise on-going investigations and endanger undercover police officers. Those are just two of the lies that Brady has told. I am sure that there are others.