Checking in.

Rob Pincus

New member
Hey guys, checking in from the Great Northeast. I pity those of you with AOL, now I know what it is like... uhg.
I posted a report from the grand national in Maryland in the hunt forum.

I meant to post a question asking for all of your hypothetical guidance and theoretical opinions on what a hypothetical credentialed LEO with a valid home state CCW and absolutely no technical right to have a firearm of any type in NJ should bring with him on a hypothetical week and a half long trip to that wonderful state. (not to mention a hypothetical 4 day visit to Maryland). So, anyway, I would love to hear your theoretical thoughts on this question, since this is a sticky situation which many of us have dealt with I'm sure in one way or another.

I'll get around to contributing to your "Rush" thread soon Rich.

Glad your back Kodiac!


NJ and Maryland both are REALLY bad for firearms.

Even general transport is prohibited in New Jersey. The only type of travel they permit is Throu interstate, no stops, wepons secured in trunk.

Maryland isnt quite as bad....but isnt much better...I would leave them home if it were up to me.

You will find this pretty helpfull for traveling...
<a href=""></A>
but unfortunatly its mainly focused on CCW.


Mouse Assassins inc.
I live in an unfriendly town in a so-so state, and all I can say is that when I must go somewhere nasty or when I'm in unknown territory I'm prepared to protect myself if absolutely necessary. I would avoid to the best of my ability, but I refuse to be hurt or killed because of an unconstitutional law. I know its cliche, but I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six - and we won't even START on what I'd be willing to do to someone who tries to harm my wife.

Stay safe, Rob.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited 11-22-98).]
Carry a deep concealable pistol Rob... and keep it very personal. As any concealed weapon should be. Use only as directed...
If your cought in a situation that you needed it, it will be easier to explain, than if you needed it and didn't have it. Hard to articulate to the copper when you lungs are filling up with blood cause of that sucking chest wound...

Kenetic Defence Institute
Rob, I don't know about MD, but I have some friends from NJ and from what they say I would not take a gun in there. In fact, I wouldn't even go there at all unless it was absolutely necessary. The LEOs in NJ are apparently very anti-gun, and will get hostile and perhaps violent if they suspect you are transporting firearms. Again, this is all hearsay, but I have no reason to disbelieve the source. I was told about a guy who was moving into NJ and had a bolt gun packed in the rental truck. The truck broke down, a state trooper stopped and seached the truck, found the rifle and carried him to jail in cuffs. His wife had to get a lawyer to spring him, but he faces possible serious jail time. Again, just hearsay.
Having spent a lot of time in jersey, I can tell you that as a rule the state is very anti-gun. But, having a lot of friends and aquaintences in LE in south jersey I can also tell youthat almost none that I know are anti-gun. Certainly, they would enforce the laws of the state, but they are not going to go out of their way looking for weapons, either.
The most notorious Jersey gun story is the guy who was heading through jersey to do some bird hunting. He had several long guns and two or three prize winning pure bred dogs. He was stopped coming off the jersey side of the bridge and... long story short: he told the officer he had the weapons. He was arrested, the dogs were taken top the pound and the car with all his stuff was impounded. In the end, the dogs were put to sleep, the guns (high priced shotguns) were "lost" and he won a lage settlement against the state.
this case was a result of NJ's impression that they can actually stop people from transporting guns through jersey.

All this aside, what about the danger that our Hypothetical guy or his wife or kids could be threatened while in this state? What if all states had the same draconian laws as NJ? Would that mean that everyone advising against carry of a self defense firearm would give up their guns or stop carrying them?

Rob, do what you think best. me? i would go with Kodiac's recommendation!
damn, i'm glad i live in the south!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 11-24-98).]
Rob, sounds like you have a much better handle on NJ situation than I do. I guess I am overly cautious on this type thing, Maybe it's just that I have been hassled by traffic cops a lot more times (many) than I have been threatened by BGs (twice). Maybe too it's because I don't relish the idea of spending some time in a cell with a 300 lb gorilla who thinks I look a lot like Miss November. Good luck on your travels.