Yep, dead link. Maybe the poll didn't say what the pollsters wanted it to say? They wouldn't yank it for that, would they?

What I've been doing, whenever possible, is "Save As" any poll website page that I vote in, bookmark the URL, and I try to check back every now and then. "Missing" polls that favor the RKBA seem pretty common, especially coming from a source such as Time. Having proof, like a saved web page, could come in handy for us sometimes. They had some of us questioning the resetting of counters, and replacing a poll that was decidedly pro-RKBA with another one in a different format. Again, counters were reset. Don't trust the mainstream media sources. Having a "hard copy" of a poll is good ammo to send to your congresscritter. "See, the people don't want more gun control laws! You're supposed to represent the people, so do it!" The shameless bastards turn their back on the people all to often.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
DonL. I've been sending copies of these polls to my Congress Critters and Senate Critters. They don't even bother to acknowledge them. I'm beginning to think telling them anything is the equivilant of "pi$$ing up a rope." Nothing to do but keep on keepin' on I guess. Maybe one day they'll "get it."
Paul B.