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Dead Aim

I finally went to a range with my new gun and all. I got there and wasnt too sure what to do so i asked some guy walking around what the dilly was. He said that i would need a stand to put my targets on to shoot at. I also learned that a year pass costs 50 bucks, which doesnt seem to bad. One question, should that stand thing be real nice or can it just be a big box, and do you need one at many ranges. Also, when do you know when your supposed to go out and set targets up, can you set them up as long as the other people shooting are down a couple lanes, or do you have to ask them to stop shooting. One thing i did learn was dont walk up to the firing line without ear protection. Some guy down range tried to hold up shooting because he saw me talking to the range officer, but i think he got pissed and just took a couple shots, let me tell yea, the handgun he was shooting was damn loud.
later dead aim
First off, NEVER go down range if someone is shooting. If there is a Range Officer, they will normally call for periodic cease-fires to reset targets. If there isn't an RO, then it's up to you to ask for a cease fire. The target stand doesn't need to be anything fancy. I use a T-shaped 2X4 frame in a old Christmas tree stand. I think the total cost was $4. Always wear hearing and eye protection at the range. Get muffs or plugs you're comfortable enough with to wear for the length of your range trip, that way you won't forget to put them back in/on after a cease-fire. I like the soft disposable plugs from E-A-R, but that may have something to do with me wearing them for 10 hours a day at work. (Also my boss gives me a box each year, so I can't beat the price.)
If the Range Officer sees me walking down with my gun and gear will he automatically call for a cease fire or will i have to wait a while before he does.
Something else you need Dead Aim... You need to leave the attitude back at your car. A firing range is no place for bravado. Just because some one else will call a cease fire if they see you start out down range is no reason to avoid communication with the rest of the shooters.
Your Lone Wolf approach could get you seriously injured or killed. Or if your lucky, just kicked off the range.
A firing range has an ettiquete that is sacred. Its called respect. You respect the others, and they should respect you. Now, on a range, there can be firing at any time - so always have your hearing protection on while the range is hot. During a cease fire you can take them off... and if someone does fire - they should be escorted off.

A box makes a could stand if you have no wind. It is better to get some boards and make your own stand along with a couple sand bags for weights and a couple more for rests.
From what I've seen just about every range has the same basic rules, and variations of most of em. The outdoor range I go to is L shaped, with the 25 yard range being the short leg of the L, and the 50,100 and 200 yard being the longer side. The 50 and the 100/200 yard ranges are seperated by a dirt mound. This means that any one of them can be hot, even if the one you're shooting at is in a cease fire. I use soft ear plugs that I keep in the car console and put them in as soon as I turn into the driveway. They aren't good for serious range use, but they do cut way down on the noise from a hot range long enough to dig the muffs out of the trunk. Can't help you one the target stands since my range uses a fixed plywood backstop. As far as fixing targets go. Just setup your stuff at the firing line, open the action, set it down and wait for the RO to signal everyone to cease fire. During a cease fire, it's not a good idea to take that time to reload. Best practice is to step back from the line if you don't have to set targets. If you do need to set targets, just hold them up for the RO to see, and wait for him to give the OK. If there isn't a RO, the other shooters should have a pretty good idea you've arrived, and eventually will call a cease fire to allow you to set targets. It's pretty much a common courtesy. Once you have been shooting a while, you'll get into the swing of it. Just pay attention to the other shooters, and they'll pay attention to you, and the cease fires come at regular intervals. When you do set targets, set more than you plan to shoot as quickly as you can. Dawdling down range and admiring your handiwork isn't appreciated and neither is setting one target, taking five shots, then calling another CF to set another target. Set 4or 5 targets at a time, and admire them after you pull them down.
50 bucks sounds pretty reasonable for a yearly pass. Mine runs 79 bucks for the outdoor range, and 175 for the indoor range.
Hey, sorry if i came off as having an attitude. Its hard doing something when you have no idea how and nobody to help you. the reason im asking all these questions is just so i know what to do when i get there and dont come of as being a jackass.
thanks for the help, dead aim
If you're in California, email me.

Glad you're making progress. To further complicate things, it's all different from location to location. If the Range Officer recognizes you as new to the range, he should take some time to explain the dilly to you. If he doesn't, approach him with an "Excuse me sir" and ask for the run-through. If there's no range officer, try to find a friendly face and ask the local customs.

An armed society is a polite society, and truer words were never spoken. I'm 45 years old and I call everybody "sir" at the range if I don't know their name.

You will piss everybody at the range off if you just walk downrange anytime you feel like changing targets, or if you handle your weapon during a cease fire. You will never piss anybody off asking about range safety.

Be safe, have fun, hang around here and learn. I have found TFL to be the best firearms resource on the web.


Kelbly's down by Massilon. It's about a 45 min drive from Stow, down Rt 21. They are mainly a benchrest range for the 100 and 200 yard ranges,since George Kelbly is a BR shooter and BR rifle maker.The 100/200 are centerfire rifle only, no handguns or .22's. The 25 and 50 are rifle, handgun and rimfire.Membership runs $100.00 for the first year, and $79.00 per year after that. Membership includes the member, spouse, and children under 18. The biggest drawback is the no guest policy. If I want to take my son and daughter in law, I have to buy them a yearly membership.
DeadAim: Ledbetter primarily said it here - ask for instructions. For goodness sakes, yes, please do. If you are new to the sport and that particular range, by all means, don't strut on out there as if you know what you're doing. Some ranges are full of "self-important" types, but there are always great people there also to help you out. Go to the front desk, range office, etc. and let them know you are a new shooter at that range, and would like some instructions as to their procedures. Think nothing of asking this, it's their job to help ensure the safety of others there. Obviously, it's everyone's job to also, but they should set down the ground rules for you.
Big tip here - Don't be SHY! Especially when it comes to asking for safety instructions. You won't learn anything unless you ask. It's great that you asked here at the forum, but think about it, you should've asked at the range where you were, where the info is firsthand, and applicable to that range.
Cool, thanks for the info. Once i get my stand put together i will probably go shooting this weekend or sometime next week. I might just drive up there without my gun and just talk to whomevers in charge, just to get a feel of the range rules before i actually shoot. I cant wait to fire off my new gun.
dead aim
Stopping by once w/o your gear is a great idea, DeadAim. Some ranges will have printed rules you can take with you and look over on your own time beforehand.

How's your firearms safety training? Do you know the basic rules? This is primo importante number one. Firearms safety rules are FIRST, range rules are SECOND.

If you haven't had any basic safety training yet, you might want to consider that before going to the range solo. It won't take long and will be the best thing you can do for yourself right out of the gate.

Just in case you need to know, here's a quick rundown of the 4 Commandments. 99% of firearms accidents happen because someone violated one or more of these four rules:

1. All guns are always loaded.

-- always treat a gun as if it were loaded, respectfully. This is a great rule for the range, because even if you know a weapon is unloaded, no one else at the range does. Myself, I clear my gun twice every time I pick it up. It's now a habit and it takes only a moment.

2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.

-- I try to imagine a laser light coming from the barrel of the gun and always be concious of what I'm 'lighting up'. After a while, this too becomes habit.

3. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to fire.

-- I find this to be the 'rule most often ignored' by new shooters. Don't ignore it. You should always hold a firearm with your trigger finger laying alongside the slide (right side if you're right handed). Get comfortable holding weapons this way. It should feel a little uneasy to have your finger touching the trigger.

4. Know your target, what is behind it and where your bullet will eventually come to rest.

-- at the range, you're not actually shooting at the target. Your shooting into the backstop. You are placing the target in between your weapon and the backstop. Think about this when you setup your targets. Be aware of your surroundings, try not to zone out.

Pay attention, ask for help and have a good time :)

- gabe

PS: Maybe go into the General Discussion forum and ask if anyone on TFL lives nearby and would be willing to go to the range with you? I'll bet you'll get an old fart or two to take you up on it. Not that anyone here likes to go shooting or what have you... ;)
Oops. I just noticed Dead Aim's post is a month old. Oh well. I'll let the rules stay up here anyway, just because you can't say them to often.

- gabe
There is nothing wrong with posting to an old thread.
The Older The Better!

Thats the great thing about TFL... There is SO MUCH great information that if you DO NOT read all the old threads - you are missing out!!!