Check this crap out...

April 21 — As the toll in death, injury and
psychological trauma from the bombings in
Yugoslavia continues to grow, a very simple ethical question hangs in the air — what can America do about violence involving aggressive politicians? It is time to recognize that crooked "public servants" are a major threat to the public health and must be treated with the same urgency as the AIDS virus, tuberculosis, hepatitis and other microbial plagues.

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
That guy is full of more BS than a rodeo. It's the usual liberal bed-wetter whining on the part of someone who obviously knows nothing about firearms except that they kill. I particularly liked the part where he said the rights of those who legally & resonsibly own & use guns must be curbed to deal with those who don't. Hey, Sparky, WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM . . . . ooops, ranting to the choir again. sorry
It seems to me if they really wanted to protect the public, these doctors would target automobiles, swimming pools and bicycles. Just a wing of NBC's political agenda or the AMA.
"Arthur Caplan, Ph.D., is director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia."

The good Doctor is just afraid of the competition. Assisted suicide and euthanasia are part of what Bioethics teaches. I believe he is just upset that guns are cutting into his fat paycheck. After all, it is much more humane to have one of his kind stick a needle in you in return for a fee, rather than have a BG rob you at gunpoint. Somehow I fail to see a difference between the two.

"If guns were microbes, we would launch a national war to eradicate them."

Ummm . . . yeah. But then, if ironing boards were microbes, we would launch a national war to eradicate them. . . .

Here's what I actually emailed in response to that quote:

"That's an interesting statement. No doubt true. There's just one flaw: Guns are NOT microbes.
Was that so hard to understand? Guns are not microbes. Microbes cannot be used to defend ourselves against predators and criminals. Microbes cannot be used to procure food for our families. Microbes cannot be used in pastimes and competition to teach our children about sportsmanship, discipline, and self-control. And most importantly, my right to keep, carry, and use microbes is not guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and several hundred years of English common law."

I just wish he'd respond, but that's a pipe dream.

Ya gotta see that its symptomatic of Federalization. Every single Federal department and federally funded institution is trying to expand powers and get the federal dinero ($$). CDC (Center for Disease Control) is successfully getting gun violence considered an "epidemic". The FDA just got slapped down by a lower court for trying to co-opt tobacco as a drug.
Univ of Boston Med has a similar department as U.Penn with gun violence considered a medical means a whole lot more money to the U and cushy paper pushing jobs for burnt out academicians. It also is an inroad to Federal jobs for them as well. Its jobs creation.

Ever notice that when they say guns are the 5th (?) leading cause of unnatural death for children, they never or rarely say what is first and 2nd, etc? And if they do they never include actual numbers of all these causes? Vehicles cause more than 10 times child death than guns.....vehicles are the leading cause of teenage death, but there is no talk of licensing kids at 21.

Always, always follow the money and the power

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
"The rights of those who can and do keep guns and use them responsibly must be curbed because there is a minority amongst us who do neither." - Doctor Aurthur Caplan, Ph.D.

Well, apparently the good doctor has made this decision for us. I'm glad to see how generous he is with other people's rights. Perhaps we ought to offer to sacrifice his first amendment rights, just as he has chosen to disregard out rights under the second.

I mean, obviously, "The rights of those who can and do keep words and use them responsibly must be curbed because there is a minority amongst us who do neither."
While we're at it, can we, as non-doctors, address this dangerous fantasy physicians have bought into, that you can fight disease by injecting desease organisms into healthy people? Sorry, bacteria kill. Period. It's just irrational to think that they could be used to save lives!

Yeah, that was sarcasm.
Well, if the good doctor is right, we should curb the right to free speech, because some would incite riots or yell fire in a crowded room.

We should also get rid of freedom of religion because there are religous leaders who would lead followers into death and destruction.

We should curb freedom of the press, because not all media proposes politically correct thinking that benefits society.

Hell, let's just do away with the entire bill of rights, because a minority would use those rights to commit crimes against others.

What scares me is if I claimed to be a doctor with some kind of supposed authority to speak on these matters, I could propose all of the above and many would agree.

I've got a chill running down my spine.
Let us remember that Dr. Caplan is not a physician, but has a doctorate in something else.

His U Penn web page tells us that he was once a consultant to the National Holocaust Museum. Such irony.