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Here is a little site that I stumbled upon. It's a real pressure riser. The guys is really quite funny, if your suffering from a brain tumor. LOL! This guys attacks gunowners and Charlton Heston. You can suffer though all this guys crap here:
A strange guy. He says he is has a Federal Firearms permit. Does that mean he is a dealer? If he is, why would he take a stance that if successful, would put him out of business?
Okay guys two observations. One, he is gay. Most gay men subscribe to the liberal point of view and he would, therefore, be expected to be anti-gun. Two, he uses the technological restriction on the 2nd Amendment. As we know from court decisions, if you apply an interpretaion to one Amendment then the interpretation is applied to all. If the 2nd means muzzleloaders bacause the founding fathers could not have foreseen the AR-15, then you must agree that the 1st Amendment does not apply to TV, radio, the internet, or for that matter anything written with a typewriter or ball point pen. We all know that freedom of speech DOES apply to those forms of media and the Constitution is not to be interpreted as technologically restricted. Sounds to me like his source for info is Rosie O'Donnell, that was the arguement she used on Tom Selleck. The guy really isn't that bright for trying to use THAT poor an arguement. I am just waiting for him to try the 'militia is the National Guard' when the Supreme Court ruled in 1990 that the term 'people' as used in the Constitution is refering to the individual not the collective right. I want a public gun control debate with this bozo, he has no idea what he is talking about.
I just looked at the site. It seems this closed minded liberal just wants to poke fun at a very serious issue. He has taken out takes from e-mail sent in and made fun of some of the intelligently written responces.

He says," What happens when you state a few unflattering views about the Second Amendment and the NRA? GUN NUTS come out of the woodwork and bombard you with all sorts of interesting ( and entertaining )rants." I will have to agree that some of the mail he recieved appears to be "rants" when taken out of context like this, however, most were intelligently written.

Don't read his tongue-in-cheek responces until you take your blood pressure medication though. People like this could not be up to any thing more than attempting to stir up the pot and find someone who will write in anger and make us all look like idiots with arguments that are not thought out.

You are... What you do... When it counts.
The Masao
I dont know what being gay has to do with it
unless you figure that any man who passes up the best thing God ever made in favor of another man has to be wrong about other things too!

Better days to be,

He's gotta be a university student ...

You know:

If you aren't a liberal at 18, you don't have a heart ...

If you're still a liberal at 40, you haven't got a bloody brain!!
(paraphrased, but applicable)

My worry is, some day ... his type are gonna be in charge!!!!!!!!

I think he's great. For those who have no minds when they go to his site, they have no minds when they leave. For those who can think, but are on the fence, he does our side a great service.