Check out this jerks idea of humor!


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<A HREF="">Grim Antigun Humor</A>


[This message has been edited by nralife (edited April 25, 1999).]
What a sick puppy! I scrounged around while there, and you can E-mail the S.O.B. a personal message. I was polite, but I sure wanted to call him every four letter name I could think, and even make up a few more.
I was a good boy though, I didn't.
These darn ant-gunners is gonna make stock in Maalox go up for sure. They give me serious heartburn.
Paul B.
The good news is, he's not trying to be humorous. The bad news is, he's syndicated in our newspaper so my parents back home are helping pay his salary. :(

I sent a very polite email, but I told him politely that I was very angry. I tried to list all the antigun laws the kids in Columbine broke, but I got tired of it so I left it at 6 (I think.)

I also asked specifically for a response, in which he would explain how the total repeal of the Second Amendment could prevent another such tragedy. We'll see.
Well, he works for the DETROIT FREE PRESS, the home of more anti-firearm ownership people than most anyplace else. Of course most of the editors, etc have Michigan CCW's.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 25, 1999).]
I would like to make a suggestion. Let's cut down on surfing anit's sites any more than minimally necessary. Intelligence gathing is fine, getting ulcers over too much BS is not needed.

We already know what the bastards are up to. Put the energy into teaching, talking, training...get out and talk to the fence-sitters. I am trying to do this myself, just to avoid bouts of despair.

Oh, judging by the trends I am seeting, I would recommend picking up an extra cleaning kit and a case of ammo per primary fighting weapon. We might need that sooner than I previously thought. I am scared.

Wonder if my previous incarnation was alive in '39...


Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Turn in your guns, get a a free tattoo on your arm"
If you think the "cartoon" listed was bad, you should look at today's. Then again, if you have a low PO point, don't. May he stab hinmself with a pen and get blood poisoning.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I'll second you, Jim, about the Free Press; A couple of weeks ago they ran a VERY dishonest editorial against concealed carry, (You know, shootouts at traffic stops, Dodge city, bloodbaths, that sort of nonesense.) and to date they haven't published even ONE of the letters they got contradicting them. You can always tell when the "Freep" knows they've got the facts against them, because they start censoring their letters page to make sure the readers don't get the truth.