David Wright

New member
I was recently corresponding with John Stossel trying to convince him to do an hour show on (tadaaaa!) GUNS!!!!

If any of you saw his "Give Me a Break" segment on the last 20/20 show, it was great.

He was opining how the media has blown Columbine and similar stories way out of proportion, and even said to Barbara Walters that she was part of the problem. He said that ABC alone did 97 stories on it. He said there was no sense of proportion at all.

He said that, statistically, schools are the safest places for our kids. Crime in schools is down 50%, and drownings kill a lot more kids every day than any of this other stuff.

Barbara Walters tried to counter him saying that 15 people had died at Columbine, and "that is news". John countered by saying that it was a tragedy, yet more kids than that die EVERY DAY in car accidents. Why didn't ABC report that???? He finished by saying that they need to exercise more proportion.

After a few tense, silent seconds, Barbara put her head down, then raised it and quietly said, "I agree".

I couldn't believe it. Maybe there's hope for us. I did a little checking-up on this guy.
He's not a liberal, and "despises" the liberal New York crowd in his industry, and frequently butts heads with bosses because of his specials. He currently subscribes (literally and figuratively) to a very conservative magazine called "Reason", and describes himself as moving more toward a Libertarian mindset.

If he would do a special on guns a la "Junk Science" or "Are We Scaring Ourselves to Death", the anti's (Bryant Gumball!) would get vapor lock! We'll see what he says. They have tried to stop other specials he was doing because they weren't liberal enough, but he's got 19 Emmy's and makes millions of $$$ for ABC.
That's a lot of clout.

Let's cross our fingers......
He did a show, I believe it was called The Blame Game, about personal responsibility. I have always liked the guy. He is a reporter, a journalist, meaning he presents the information and allows you to draw the conclusion.
Dave, Do you have an e-mail address handy for this guy? I think we should flood him with encouragement and thank you's.

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
I've seen two of his 1-hour shows. One was 2-3 years ago and the other was about 3 months ago.

One covered the subject of Risk and how people had a scewed idea of how dangerous things were. Stossel asked the audience to vote on what caused the most deaths to children each year. Of course, guns came in first. He then showed the actual statistics which showed that drownings, accidents and fires killed many more children. Guns were at #7 or 8, I believe.

He comes across as a journalist who's studied and researched his subject. No emotional reports. He'll let the viewers make up their own minds on a subject.

I think he's one of the best journalists on TV today. Would that be considered faint praise?

Here's a link to his webpage:
If any of you are in the area of Santa Clara University, The Econ Club shows those 1 hour Shossel specials on monday. and I think there is free pizza. if you want more info, send me an email and I'll hook you up with the info

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?