Check Headspace after switching out bolt shroud?


New member
On my Savage 10, I just changed the bolt shroud from the .223 (with additional metal to keep the shroud from going back all the way) shroud to a standard .308 shroud.

Do I need to have the rifle headspaced? If it matters, I had the barrel replaced with a match grade 260 Rem about 5 years ago. I've always loaded it one at a time because I couldn't get the bolt back far enough to pick up a round from within the internal magazine. I guess I finally got tired of it being wrong, haha.

The shroud came from Brownells. Thank you!
First,I have not worked on a Savage.But lets think about how most bolt actions work.

I assume you did not loosen or turn the barrel.

When the bolt is in battery the rear face of the bolt locking lugs rest on the receiver locking lug recesses. I don't think you changed anything there.

I don't think the distance from the bolt locking lugs to the bolt face changed.

So long as you did not rotate the barrel,the effective chamber depth did not change.

Those are the features involved in any change in headspace.,I think. Does that seem correct to you,OP?
HiBC, I did not move the barrel at all. I was trying to pay attention to how the bolt is held together, and there is a large pin that goes through the bolt head and the main tube. It seemed to me that the pin ensures that the overall length of the entire bolt would stay exactly the same. I ask because, well, I generally like the way my face looks and being able to see with both eyes, Haha. I ask because the baffle I put on was slightly longer/thicker and if i was misunderstanding the mechanics of it all, that small change would put the bolt face closer and might be enough to change head spacing.

I appreciate the feedback so far!
The should be no change. You can run an empty or dummy cartridge in it to conform.

While I don't advocate it, I have fired a couple of small length cases in a longer case rifle (308 in 30-06)

I got a wild looking case but no damage other than to my ego.

Annoying would be short and not able to close on the case.

It is good to ask and think about. Too often that is not done.
Thanks, all. I appreciate the feedback. I wanted to get a second opinion/sanity check before I went back out with the rifle.