GFCC Corp ( has South African 9mm PMP for $110/1K delivered to your door. Great stuff, PMP. I've shot about 3000 rounds so far. Clean, reliable, boxer, brass cases, and accurate. At $110/1K on my doorstep, who reloads?
CDNN just sent me their catalog, and they have the same PMP ammo for $99.99 plus shipping, and their shipping charges are pretty low, so if you live close (TX), it might be even cheaper. Doesn't show on their website (, but call directly.
There's also a place in CA called The Dealers Warehouse (TDW) that advertises regularly on Auctionarms and Gunbroker. They have the same PMP ammo for $110/1K plus actual UPS shipping charges (which is refreshing in and of itself). They will sell directly (i.e. you don't have to go through an auction). 209-545-2800
Not affiliated with any of the above.
Good Luck.