
New member
These guys hosed me pretty bad I think. I ordered the last 4 XD-40 mags they had in stock last Thursday on the phone. Got a confirmation e-mail and everything, even billed my card. Their warehouse is here in my city, and I was told to expect my package within 1-2 days (UPS). Almost a week goes by, no clips. So I called and requested a call back. No response. So I called again, no call back (anybody see a trend here?). Finally I get this e-mail from this lady in 'Internet Sales' (I ordered by phone, but whatever) and she says they're out of stock, and never had the mags to begin with. Huh? Crappy customer service. Never again Dirt, never again... :( :( :(
I am not sure about the items you ordered, but some of the items sold by CTD are never stocked by them, but rather are shipped "direct" from a manufacturer or distributor. It may be that they were told the items were available when they were, in fact, not.

I ordered a rifle case from them a couple of months ago and after three weeks of nothing, I e-mailed to ask about the order. For some reason, my order had never been processed. The lady who responded apologized repeatedly and shipped it out that day by second day air.

No matter the reason, neither my experience nor yours should ever have happened.

You know, it sucks when stuff like that happens, but not to worry. If CTD has not already sent you a credit voucher to negate the charge to your credit card, simply call your credit card company and contest the charge on the basis that you never recived the product. That is one of the services provided to you by your credit card company.

CTD seems to be a reputable company and I doubt you will have any problem getting your credit credited. Unlike Botach, I have heard very little bad about CTD. Mistakes andjerky or incompetent sales people do happen, no doubt. And, they happen with all sorts of generally reputable companies in various other categories of business. RevNate is right that such things should not happen, but they do. As consumers, it is up to us to help keep businesses in line to provide good services at reasonable costs.

Just curious, since you live in Fort Worth, why didn't you just go buy the mags from CTD directly? Was it an internet only type of deal? I know they have them, but at the same time they have a lot of stuff that isn't. Whenever I swing through Cowtown, I stop in to see what they have.
We just recently had a thread about CTD somewhere here on TFL and two things happened:

1. A TFL'er who works for CTD jumped right in and tried to solve the problem.. (IIRC: Mike? The Night Guy at CTD ?)

2. A dozen or so people said they love dealing with CTD and only a few agreed with the complaint.

So, I guess our mileage may vary...
Double Naught, I live in N. LA where their warehouse is. Dallas is a lot further. So far I haven't heard squat from CTD about any kind of reconciliation. I got the feeling on the phone yesterday they just didn't care. Oh well, their loss. My money is with somebody else's company now...I guess I was just really dissappointed with their lack of effort as far as contacting me. I had to be the one to resolve the issue. It's true, milage does vary. But from now on, I'll use a different brand, and don't mind passing that fact on to friends.:rolleyes:
I've been buying from Cheaper Than Dirt for 5 years now via phone and their webpage, and I only ever had 1 problem. The 1 problem I had wasn't CTD's fault. UPS lost the package, but CTD had a full replacement on the way the next day. UPS finally "found" the package again and I ended up with 2 complete orders. I called CTD to notify them and ship one box back and they told me to keep it (about $50.00 in stuff).

I plan on continuing to order from them.

I have had a couple items end up back ordered in the past that I was told were in stock. As a computer technician, I chalk it up to system refresh rate. If somebody else confirms an order just as your order taker is searching for it, it may still show as in stock. Nature of the beast.
I have ordered a few times from them never had a problem.
Stuff usually arrives within a week.
I'll keep ordering from them.
I won't deal with them because of their customer support reps. I called to make sure that what they had in their catalog was the real deal. They were rude (the first guy hung up on me and wouldn't connect me with a manager) and won't take responsibility for their mistakes.
It looks like this thread belongs in the retail deals and feedback forum, but I'll chime in again anyway...

I was disappointed with the way my order (#2 above) was mishandled, but I am satisfied with the way the situation was rectified. Mistakes are going to happen. They shouldn't, but they do. In my case, I believe CTD did right. I contacted them on Wed afternoon and had the case on friday. It was too late for them to avoid a mistake, so they went out of their eway to get the order to me as quickly as possible. Most companies would have said "oops" and shipped it by standard shipping.

Before I ordered it, I e-mailed a question about the product. I did not get a generic e-mail response, but a timely, polite phone call brimming with enthusiasm to serve me, the customer.

yep, they suck. i've seen many other unhappy shoppers on other boards.

they're proud of their shipping too.
I've used them without a problem

As always, my experiences may or may not be typical, but I have ordered from the 5 or 6 times without a problem. Usually it was something simple like ammunition that would have been tough to screw up, but just today I received the two large used packs I had ordered 7 days before.

I'm satisfied so far.
I had one problem only with an order from CtD...a gallon of BF CLP that had been carefully opened and about 16 oz. removed. CtD, based on my word alone, offered to take the gallon back and send me a new one, or credit me for the 16 oz. missing, which is the route I went. All this with profuse apologies. Their response was good business, as I have ordered from them since with no other problems.

A company that rectifies and acts on complaints is a company that deserves business. Also, their shipping doesn't seem to be a profit center like some other popular online retailers.
I got a great order a while back on hi-caps.
Later I heard they were sold and shortly after that all the prices went up. :(
I've had several positive experiences with CTD after being tured onto them by friends who swear by them.

Then again, Botach hasn't ever left me hanging, either.

Mileage varies...

Either way, sorry to hear about your experience. (One which should never have happened.)